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Colette Guermeur
Rue De Kervigorn


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price from €75




06 82 34 46 81

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2 75 90
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2 80 100


Swimming Pool


  • Plage de Saint-Pabu: Located just a short distance from Rue De Kervigorn, Plage de Saint-Pabu is a beautiful sandy beach known for its stunning coastal views and clear waters. It offers visitors the opportunity to relax, sunbathe, swim, and enjoy various water sports.
  • Meneham: Situated about 5 kilometers away from Rue De Kervigorn, Meneham is a charming and historic coastal village that showcases traditional Breton architecture. Visitors can explore the preserved thatched-roof cottages, learn about the area's fishing and farming history, and enjoy scenic walks along the rugged coastline.
  • Phare de l'Ile Vierge: The Phare de l'Ile Vierge, located approximately 10 kilometers from Rue De Kervigorn, is the tallest stone lighthouse in Europe. It offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding area and the Atlantic Ocean. Visitors can climb to the top and learn about the fascinating maritime heritage of the region.
  • Musée des Goémoniers: Situated around 7 kilometers away from Rue De Kervigorn, the Musée des Goémoniers is a museum dedicated to the traditional seaweed gatherers of Brittany. It provides an insight into the history, techniques, and importance of seaweed harvesting in the region through exhibits and interactive displays.
  • Plouescat: Located about 20 kilometers from Rue De Kervigorn, Plouescat is a picturesque town known for its beautiful beaches, charming harbor, and rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore historical sites such as the Church of Saint-Pierre, enjoy water activities, or simply stroll around the town's lively streets.
  • Jardin Exotique de Roscoff: Situated around 35 kilometers away from Rue De Kervigorn, the Jardin Exotique de Roscoff is a unique botanical garden featuring a wide variety of exotic plants from around the world. Visitors can wander through the garden's lush greenery, admire colorful flowers, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
  • Château de Kerjean: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Rue De Kervigorn, the Château de Kerjean is a well-preserved Renaissance castle surrounded by stunning gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's grand halls, learn about its history through informative exhibits, and take leisurely walks in the beautiful grounds. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty and coastal exploration to cultural heritage and historical landmarks, ensuring that visitors to Rue De Kervigorn and its surroundings have plenty to see and do.

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