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Elisabeth Faisant
1110b route de Pize
St Bardoux



2 reviews

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price from €720






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Appréciations pour Grand Gite La Miellerie , St Bardoux:

Review by: paoli, Fev 13 2014 5:53PM
Nous avons passé un très bon weekend en février l'an passé .L'environnement et la demeure sont pittoresques. Notre hôtesse a été charmante et très sympathique. La chambre était spacieuse et l'hygiène impeccable
Nous retournons prochainement passer à nouveau un weekend
Review by: paoli, Fev 13 2014 5:53PM
Nous avons passé un très bon weekend en février l'an passé .L'environnement et la demeure sont pittoresques. Notre hôtesse a été charmante et très sympathique. La chambre était spacieuse et l'hygiène impeccable
Nous retournons prochainement passer à nouveau un weekend

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To access from the A7 motorway, you need to take the Tain l'Hermitage exit. Then, follow the D532 road towards Chanos Curson. Continue on the D67 road until you reach St Donat St Herbasse. After passing through Donaten, head towards Romans for about 1 km to 800. Next, take a right turn towards "Pize, Picot" and continue for 1 km 300. Look for a paved road on your left and drive for 200 meters. Finally, take a dirt road that descends on the right until you reach the bottom.



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extra bed
Notes: tarif pour2 nuits minimum


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Grignan: Located in the nearby village of Grignan, this stunning Renaissance castle is famous for its association with French author Madame de Sévigné. Visitors can explore the castle's beautiful gardens and experience its rich history through exhibitions and guided tours.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Situated in Hauterives, this unique and fascinating structure was hand-built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval over a period of 33 years. The palace is a testament to his imagination and creativity, featuring intricate sculptures and a blend of different architectural styles.
  • Musée de la Chaussure: Found in Romans-sur-Isère, this museum showcases the art and history of footwear. With a collection of over 18,000 shoes, including ancient shoes, designer pieces, and even shoes worn by celebrities, visitors can delve into the world of footwear through interactive exhibits and displays.
  • Jardin Zen d'Erik Borja: Nestled in the village of Montvendre, this Japanese-inspired Zen garden offers a tranquil and meditative experience. Designed by landscape architect Erik Borja, the garden features traditional elements such as stone lanterns, bamboo groves, and serene water features.
  • Musée International de la Chaussure: Situated in the town of Romans-sur-Isère, this international shoe museum provides a comprehensive insight into the history and evolution of footwear across different cultures and time periods. Visitors can admire a vast collection of shoes, from ancient to contemporary designs, and learn about the craftsmanship behind them.
  • Le Jardin aux Oiseaux: Located in Upie, this bird garden is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. With over 70 species of birds from around the world, visitors can observe and interact with various feathered friends in a beautifully landscaped setting.
  • La Cité du Chocolat Valrhona: Situated in Tain-l'Hermitage, this chocolate-themed attraction offers a delightful experience for chocolate lovers. Visitors can discover the art of chocolate making, participate in workshops, and indulge in tastings of high-quality chocolates created by renowned chocolatier Valrhona.
  • Musée de Valence: Found in the city of Valence, this museum houses a diverse collection of art and historical artifacts. From ancient sculptures to contemporary paintings, visitors can explore various exhibitions that showcase the region's cultural heritage.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Antoine: Situated in the village of Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye, this medieval abbey is a remarkable architectural gem. Visitors can admire the abbey's impressive Gothic-style church, stroll through its peaceful cloister, and learn about its rich history through guided tours. 10. Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors: Located nearby, this regional park offers breathtaking natural landscapes and outdoor activities. With vast forests, limestone cliffs, and picturesque villages, visitors can enjoy hiking, rock climbing, cycling, and skiing in the winter months.

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