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Gwenaelle Prieur
Plonevez Du Faou


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price from €350





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Description for B&B:

This space boasts a comfortable living room, a well-appointed dining area, and a fully equipped kitchen complete with an oven, fridge, microwave, and induction cooktop. A refreshing shower and a convenient washing machine are also available. In addition, there is a lovely outdoor garden table and a barbecue for delightful al fresco dining experiences. Stay connected with the wireless internet provided.

Description for Gite

Located near the enchanting areas of Arree and Huelgoat, this charming gite is the perfect accommodation for those seeking outdoor adventures such as invigorating walks and exhilarating bike rides. Situated within an hour's reach from the captivating coastal destinations, including Crozon Peninsula, Locronan, Quimper, Raz, Concarneau, and Carantec, this idyllic retreat offers easy access to the mesmerizing beauty of the maritime coast department.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 4 58 73 350 430


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  • Ménez-Hom: Located just south of Parcou, Ménez-Hom is a prominent hill offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. It is a popular spot for hiking and paragliding, as well as a great place to enjoy a picnic while taking in the scenic beauty.
  • Château de Trévarez: Situated in Saint-Goazec, a short distance from Plonevez Du Faou, the Château de Trévarez is a magnificent castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. It is known for its unique architectural style and hosts various exhibitions and events throughout the year.
  • Huelgoat Forest: Located northeast of Parcou, Huelgoat Forest is a magical woodland filled with ancient trees, moss-covered boulders, and picturesque streams. Visitors can explore the enchanting forest trails, visit the iconic "Chaos de Huelgoat" rock formations, and discover the legendary Arthurian tales associated with the area.
  • Quimper: Just a 30-minute drive from Parcou, Quimper is the capital city of the Finistère department. It is renowned for its well-preserved medieval center, lined with charming half-timbered houses and narrow streets. Quimper is also home to the impressive Quimper Cathedral, the Musée des Beaux-Arts, and a vibrant cultural scene.
  • Locronan: Located approximately 30 kilometers west of Parcou, Locronan is a picturesque village that has preserved its medieval charm. Its narrow cobbled streets, historic buildings, and traditional craft shops make it a popular tourist destination. Locronan has also been the setting for several movies, showcasing its timeless beauty.
  • Pointe du Raz: Situated on the westernmost tip of Brittany, Pointe du Raz offers breathtaking views of the rugged coastline and the Atlantic Ocean. It is a nature reserve with stunning cliffs, walking trails, and a visitor center where you can learn about the local flora and fauna.
  • Concarneau: About a 40-minute drive from Plonevez Du Faou, Concarneau is a charming coastal town famous for its walled old town, known as the Ville Close. This fortified island is filled with charming shops, restaurants, and maritime heritage. Visitors can also explore the fishing harbor, visit the historic fishing museum, or relax on the beautiful sandy beaches.
  • Oceanopolis: Located in Brest, approximately an hour's drive from Parcou, Oceanopolis is one of Europe's largest ocean discovery parks. It features three different pavilions dedicated to the polar, tropical, and temperate marine ecosystems. Visitors can explore diverse marine life, including penguins, sharks, and colorful coral reefs. These attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty and historical sites to cultural heritage and leisure activities, ensuring there is something for everyone near Parcou and Plonevez Du Faou.