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Contact Details:


Gerard Holderbach
8 Bis Rue Antoine


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Price per night:

price from €50




Description for Gite

This studio offers a convenient kitchenette equipped with a refrigerator and microwave, along with all the necessary dishes. It also features independent toilet and shower facilities. The space is complemented by Venetian blinds, ensuring privacy and light control. A comfortable double bed and a television office are also provided for your convenience.


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extra bed
Notes: pas de petit dejeuner


Animals Allowed


  • Centre Pompidou-Metz: Located just a short distance from the given address, Centre Pompidou-Metz is a contemporary art museum that houses various exhibits and collections. The museum is known for its distinctive architecture and hosts a range of temporary exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Metz Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Metz): Metz Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic-style cathedral that dates back to the 13th century. It features stunning stained glass windows and impressive architectural details. Visitors can explore the interior, climb the tower for panoramic views, and learn about the history of the cathedral.
  • Porte des Allemands: This historical site is a well-preserved medieval gate that once served as part of the city's fortifications. Visitors can walk along the fortified walls, enjoy the scenic views of the surrounding area, and learn about the gate's significance in the city's history.
  • Esplanade Garden (Parc de la Seille): Located near the city center, the Esplanade Garden is a beautiful green space with landscaped gardens, walking paths, and a lake. It offers a peaceful atmosphere for visitors to relax, have a picnic, or enjoy outdoor activities.
  • Arsenal Concert Hall (Arsenal de Metz): The Arsenal is a renowned concert hall that hosts a variety of musical performances, including classical, contemporary, and jazz. The modern architecture of the building is impressive, and its excellent acoustics make it a favorite venue among music enthusiasts.
  • Metz Train Station (Gare de Metz-Ville): Metz Train Station is not only a functional transportation hub but also an architectural gem. The station features an elegant blend of Art Nouveau and Neo-Romanesque styles, making it a popular attraction for architecture enthusiasts.
  • Metz Pompidou Garden (Parc Pompidou-Metz): Adjacent to the Centre Pompidou-Metz, this urban park provides a pleasant outdoor space with modern art installations and sculptures. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll, relax on the grass, or take in the artistic ambiance of the park.
  • Metz Opera House (Opéra-Théâtre de Metz Métropole): Situated in a beautifully restored building, the Metz Opera House offers a range of opera, ballet, and theatrical performances. The ornate interior and impressive stage productions make it a must-visit for culture and art lovers. These attractions are all within a short distance from the given address, allowing visitors to easily explore and enjoy the cultural and historical highlights of Metz, France.