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Michel Le Hellaye
La Chesnaie
Pleudihen Sur Rance



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Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

Welcome to a charming 18th-century farmhouse that has been lovingly renovated in 2006. Nestled halfway between the stunning towns of Saint Malo and Dinan, and just a short 5-minute drive from the picturesque edge of Rance, Michel eagerly awaits to offer you a tranquil sanctuary. With a separate entrance, you can enjoy your privacy and unwind in this peaceful retreat.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 65 20 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Saint-Malo: Located just 15 kilometers away, Saint-Malo is a stunning coastal city known for its historic walled old town. Explore the cobbled streets, visit the grand Saint-Malo Cathedral, and enjoy panoramic views from the city walls.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Situated around 40 kilometers southwest of Pleudihen Sur Rance, Mont Saint-Michel is an iconic medieval abbey perched on a rocky island. Marvel at its Gothic architecture, wander through narrow streets, and experience the unique tidal phenomenon.
  • Dinan: Located 17 kilometers southeast of La Chesnaie, Dinan is a charming medieval town with well-preserved ramparts and half-timbered houses. Stroll along the cobbled streets, visit the 13th-century castle, and enjoy panoramic views from the Jerzual Viaduct.
  • Cancale: Situated approximately 30 kilometers northwest of Pleudihen Sur Rance, Cancale is renowned for its oyster farming and picturesque harbor. Indulge in fresh seafood, explore the scenic coast, and take in the beautiful views from Pointe du Grouin.
  • Dinard: Just a short drive across the Rance River, Dinard is a seaside resort town known for its Belle Époque architecture and beautiful sandy beaches. Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Promenade du Clair de Lune, visit the stunning Saint-Énogat Church, and relax at one of the many beachside cafes.
  • Cap Fréhel: Located around 50 kilometers west of Pleudihen Sur Rance, Cap Fréhel offers breathtaking coastal scenery. Explore the rugged cliffs, visit the historic lighthouse, and take in the panoramic views of the English Channel and surrounding landscapes.
  • Fort la Latte: Situated near Cap Fréhel, Fort la Latte is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky peninsula. Discover its rich history, explore the ramparts, and enjoy the spectacular views of the sea and rugged coastline.
  • Rennes: As the capital of Brittany, Rennes is approximately 70 kilometers southeast of Pleudihen Sur Rance. This vibrant city offers a mix of medieval and modern architecture, including the impressive Rennes Cathedral, the historic Place des Lices, and the Parc du Thabor.
  • Emerald Coast (Côte d'Émeraude): Stretching along the northern coast of Brittany, the Emerald Coast is known for its stunning beaches, rugged cliffs, and crystal-clear waters. Explore the charming coastal towns of Saint-Cast-le-Guildo, Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, and Saint-Lunaire, and enjoy various water activities. 10. Château de Combourg: Located approximately 23 kilometers southeast of Pleudihen Sur Rance, the Château de Combourg is a medieval castle surrounded by a lake. It was once the home of renowned French writer François-René de Chateaubriand. Visit the castle to explore its grand halls and beautiful gardens.

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