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Contact Details:


676, Route du Neufbourg
Bretteville du Grand Caux


1 reviews

Price per week:

price from €498






Description for Gite

Additional amenities available for an enhanced stay: Heating is available at a rate of 6 per day for up to 6 people. Additionally, there is an option to accommodate extra people in the cottage for an additional cost of 9 per day.

Upon request, we offer the following services to cater to our customers' needs: Bed linen can be provided at a rate of 15 per bed. Rental towels are available for 3 per person. Cleaning services are also available at a rate of 35.


Appréciations pour Champion, Bretteville du Grand Caux:

louer gite 1196
Review by: requiston, Sep 1 2014 4:37PM
très agréable tranquillité proche de Yport Fécamp Etretat pour visiter belle région

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Travel Directions:
Start at the Church of Bretteville du Grand Caux and proceed towards AUBERVILLE THE RENAULT. After 200 meters, take the road on the right, which is indicated by a small sign for the Neufbourg. Continue for 400 meters and then turn right, following the sign for LODGING IN FRANCE # 676.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 498 1100


Animals Allowed


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  • Étretat Cliffs: Situated in the town of Étretat, these iconic white chalk cliffs are a must-see natural wonder. The unique rock formations, including the famous "Porte d'Aval" and "Aiguille Creuse," provide breathtaking views and photo opportunities.
  • Rouen Cathedral: As one of the most impressive Gothic cathedrals in France, Rouen Cathedral is a masterpiece of architectural beauty. Visitors can admire its intricate facade, magnificent stained glass windows, and explore the interior which houses the tombs of various historical figures.
  • Honfleur: A charming coastal town known for its picturesque harbor, Honfleur is a popular tourist destination. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets lined with colorful houses, visit art galleries, and indulge in delicious seafood at the waterfront restaurants.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen: Located in Rouen, this art museum houses an extensive collection of European paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. From works by Monet and Renoir to ancient artifacts, the museum offers a cultural experience for art enthusiasts.
  • Abbaye de Jumièges: Situated along the Seine River, the Abbaye de Jumièges is a historical ruin representing the grandeur of Norman Romanesque architecture. Visitors can explore the remains of the abbey, wander through the peaceful gardens, and learn about its rich history.
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  • Musée d'Art Moderne André Malraux: Located in Le Havre, this museum showcases an impressive collection of modern and contemporary art. From works by Picasso and Matisse to local artists, visitors can appreciate a diverse range of artistic expressions.
  • Parc de Clères: Situated in the village of Clères, this zoological park is home to a variety of exotic animals and birds. Visitors can explore the beautiful grounds, observe rare species, and enjoy educational activities for both children and adults. 10. Dieppe: A charming coastal town, Dieppe offers a mix of historical sites, beaches, and seafood delights. Visitors can explore the medieval Château de Dieppe, relax on the pebble beaches, and indulge in fresh seafood at the local restaurants.

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