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Jeanne Van Helden
Lieu Dit Saint Victor Du Fau


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price from €500


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Description for Gite

"Gite Lavande offers comfortable accommodation for up to 5 guests with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Located on the first floor, this gite provides partial air-conditioning for added comfort.

Gite Chataigne, on the other hand, can accommodate up to 4 guests in a spacious studio with 1 bathroom and 2 toilets. It also boasts air-conditioning on the first floor.

Both gites are equipped with everything you need for a convenient stay, including a fully-equipped kitchen complete with a dishwasher, oven, hotplates, fridge-freezer, coffee-machine, and kettle.

Please note that there is a minimum stay of 4 nights throughout the year, except during August when a minimum stay of 1 week (Saturday to Saturday) is required. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all of our accommodations. Additionally, we kindly request that only adults and children over 8 years old book our gites."


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The final stretch of road leading to the property is unpaved and should be avoided by sports cars with low clearance.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 3 80 160 500 950


Swimming Pool


  • Chateau de Foix: Located in the nearby town of Foix, this medieval castle is a must-visit attraction. Explore its well-preserved towers, ramparts, and inner courtyard, and learn about the region's rich history through its exhibits.
  • Parc de la Prehistoire: Situated in Tarascon-sur-Ariege, this prehistoric park offers a unique experience to discover the life of our ancestors. Explore life-size reconstructions of prehistoric habitats, admire cave paintings, and learn about the evolution of mankind.
  • Cathedrale Saint-Antonin: Located in Pamiers, this beautiful Gothic cathedral is a significant religious monument. Admire its stunning architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and peaceful atmosphere while learning about its history dating back to the 14th century.
  • Grotte de Niaux: This remarkable cave system near Tarascon-sur-Ariege is famous for its prehistoric wall paintings. Take a guided tour to discover the ancient artwork and marvel at the intricate details and vibrant colors that have survived for thousands of years.
  • Le Mas d'Azil Cave: Situated in the village of Le Mas d'Azil, this cave is renowned for its size and unique geology. Take a walk through the cave's enormous entrance and explore its vast underground chambers, marveling at the stalactites and stalagmites along the way.
  • Musee de la Forge: Located in Montgaillard, this museum offers a glimpse into the region's industrial history. Discover the traditional blacksmithing techniques, machinery, and tools used in the past, and gain insights into the ironworking heritage of the area.
  • Lac de Montbel: Enjoy a day of relaxation and outdoor activities at this picturesque lake near Léran. Whether it's swimming, fishing, boating, or simply picnicking by the shore, the tranquil surroundings and beautiful scenery make it a perfect spot for nature enthusiasts.
  • Cathedrale Saint-Lizier: Situated in Saint-Lizier, this Romanesque cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Admire its impressive architecture, ancient cloister, and stunning views over the surrounding countryside.
  • Parc de la Prehistoire de Tarascon: Another prehistoric park, located in Tarascon-sur-Ariege, that offers interactive exhibits and activities to learn about the life and culture of prehistoric people. Enjoy workshops, demonstrations, and guided tours to enhance your understanding of our ancestors' way of life. 10. Musee du Palais des Evêques: Situated within the Palace of the Bishops in Saint-Lizier, this museum showcases archaeological artifacts and artworks from the region. Explore the exhibits to learn about the rich cultural heritage and history of this ancient episcopal city.

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