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Hélène Meston
12 L'oiselais



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  • Château de Ranrouët: Located in Herbignac, the Château de Ranrouët is a medieval castle that dates back to the 13th century. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins, walk along the ramparts, and learn about the castle's history through informative exhibits.
  • Parc de la Brière: Situated in Saint-Joachim, Parc de la Brière is a regional park known for its picturesque marshland scenery. Visitors can take boat tours through the canals, observe diverse wildlife, and discover the unique flora and fauna of the area.
  • Planète Sauvage: Planète Sauvage is a popular wildlife park in Port-Saint-Père, offering visitors the opportunity to see various exotic animals up close. The park features safari-style tours where you can observe animals such as giraffes, lions, elephants, and rhinos in a natural habitat.
  • Musée du Pays de Retz: Located in Bourgneuf-en-Retz, the Musée du Pays de Retz showcases the local history and culture of the Pays de Retz region. The museum exhibits artifacts, photographs, and documents, providing insights into the area's rural life, traditional crafts, and maritime heritage.
  • Le Croisic: A charming coastal town, Le Croisic is known for its picturesque harbor, beautiful beaches, and historic architecture. Visitors can explore its narrow streets, visit the 14th-century Church of Notre-Dame de Pitié, and enjoy fresh seafood at the local restaurants.
  • Parc du Grand-Blottereau: Situated in Nantes, Parc du Grand-Blottereau is a botanical garden encompassing 35 hectares of lush greenery and diverse plant species. The park features themed gardens, greenhouses, and a charming château, providing a tranquil escape from the city.
  • Musée d'Arts de Nantes: Located in Nantes, the Musée d'Arts de Nantes is a renowned art museum housed in a stunning 19th-century building. The museum boasts an extensive collection of artworks spanning various periods, including paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts.
  • Escal'Atlantic: Situated in Saint-Nazaire, Escal'Atlantic is a unique museum housed in a former submarine base. Visitors can explore the interactive exhibits and replicas of ocean liners, experiencing the grandeur and history of transatlantic travel.
  • Machines de l'Île: Another must-visit attraction in Nantes, Les Machines de l'Île is an artistic project featuring giant mechanical creatures. Visitors can take a ride on the famous Great Elephant, witness the movement of other imaginative machines, and marvel at the creativity on display. 10. Muscadet Wine Region: The Muscadet wine region, located near Quilly, is renowned for its crisp white wines. Visitors can explore the vineyards, participate in wine tastings, and learn about the wine-making process in the picturesque villages of Clisson, Gorges, and Vallet. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical castles and museums to natural landscapes and unique artistic projects, providing visitors with a rich and memorable tourist experience near 12 L'oiselais, Quilly, France.