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Diana Guillaume
3 Chemin Du Grand Val


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €100





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Description for B&B:

Life is truly wonderful in this luminous and roomy abode, adorned with beautiful, scented roses that gracefully ascend the walls. Situated on the first floor, this accommodation is perfect for up to two guests, offering a comfortable stay in the charming "Soleil Levant" double room, complete with a private bathroom. Additionally, a baby cot is available free of charge.


Appréciations pour Maison d'Hôtes les Coquelicots, Giverny:

Trois nuits aux Coquelicots chez Diana
Review by: Claudine MESKENS, Juin 30 2019 11:48AM
Nous avons passé trois nuits à Giverny, dans la maison "Les Coquelicots", à deux pas de la rue Claude Monet qui permet de parcourir le village de la maison de Monet à l'église en passant par l'ancien hôtel Baudy. L'endroit est très calme, la maison très propre, l'accueil très chaleureux et les petits-déjeuners succulents. Tout se passe dans la simplicité et la gentillesse. Diana est aussi de bons conseils pour nous faire découvrir des petits coins moins touristiques, plus bucoliques de la région.
Response from property:
Je vous remercie pour votre avis très complet sur ma maison, mes prestations et l'environnement. Je garde un excellent souvenir de moments de vie partagés avec vous et c'est vrai, en toute simplicité. C'est aussi votre naturel et spontanéité qui ont permis cette harmonie. Qui sait ! une nouvelle escapade vous tentera peut-être ! on dit qu'il faut voir les jardins de Monet 4 fois au fil des saisons.
Un emplacement d'exception dans Giverny
Review by: Isabelle, Mai 8 2016 9:46PM
Excellent emplacement à Giverny, à 2 pas des principaux lieux de visite. Diana est une très agréable hôtesse, bienveillante, à l'écoute et disponible. La chambre dans laquelle nous séjourné est tout à fait confortable.
Quant au petit déjeuner, il est copieux et personnalisé d'excellentes confitures maison !
Response from property:
Merci d'avoir pris le temps de formuler vos appréciations qui seront utiles aux prochains hôtes.
Les coquelicots
Review by: Belsoeur Marie-Andrée et Julia André, Avr 24 2016 8:48PM
Accueil chaleureux,maison très bien tenue,au calme.Chambres charmantes .Petit déjeuner succulent très bien préparé par la gentille propriétaire.
À proximité de le maison de Monet et de son jardin magnifique.Très bon séjour,nous reviendront!
Response from property:
J'ai vraiment apprécié de vous recevoir dans ma maison et de faire votre connaissance. Les personnes qui sourient spontanément sont les bienvenues chez moi ! merci pour ce moment de vie et merci beaucoup pour votre avis.

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To travel from Paris to Giverny, follow these directions:

Start by taking the A13 motorway in the direction of Rouen. After passing the toll highway in Mantes la Jolie, take the exit number 14 towards Bonnières and Vernon. Once you reach Vernon, continue driving alongside the river Seine until you reach the only bridge that allows you to cross it. Take a right after crossing the bridge and follow the road signs for Giverny. Just before reaching the cars and coaches parking lot, turn left onto rue du Colombier. Keep going straight ahead until you cross Claude Monets street. On your right, you will see the town hall, and just a few steps away is the Maison dHôtes les Coquelicots. For a visual reference, you can view the location on Google Maps and Street View.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 100 120
(3 pers.)
1 90 120




  • Claude Monet's House and Gardens: Located in Giverny, this is the former residence of the renowned impressionist painter Claude Monet. Visitors can explore the beautifully landscaped gardens that inspired many of his masterpieces, as well as tour the artist's restored house.
  • Musée des Impressionnismes Giverny: Situated in Giverny, this museum showcases a collection of artworks from the Impressionist movement. It features temporary exhibitions, educational programs, and events that provide insights into the history and techniques of this influential art movement.
  • Château de Bizy: Found in Vernon, just a short drive from Giverny, the Château de Bizy is a magnificent 18th-century palace surrounded by extensive gardens. Visitors can take guided tours of the château's opulent interiors, stroll through the French-style gardens, and enjoy the grandeur of this historic estate.
  • Fondation Claude Monet: Located in nearby Vernon, this foundation preserves and exhibits a vast collection of artworks by Claude Monet. It also hosts temporary exhibitions and offers visitors the opportunity to learn about Monet's life and artistic journey.
  • Château Gaillard: Situated in Les Andelys, a short distance from Giverny, Château Gaillard is a medieval fortress built by Richard the Lionheart. It offers panoramic views of the Seine River and the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the ruins, walk along the castle walls, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Church of Sainte-Radegonde: Situated in Giverny, this charming church dates back to the 11th century. Its Romanesque architecture and beautiful stained glass windows make it a delightful place to visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Museum of Vernon: Located in Vernon, this museum provides insight into the history and heritage of the town and its surrounding region. It houses a diverse collection of artifacts, including archaeological findings, paintings, sculptures, and more.
  • Maison du Temps Jadis: Situated in Les Andelys, this museum showcases the history, traditions, and lifestyle of the region throughout the centuries. Visitors can explore the various exhibits, including period costumes, furniture, tools, and everyday objects, offering a glimpse into the past.
  • Gardens of the Château de La Roche-Guyon: Found in La Roche-Guyon, a short drive from Giverny, these enchanting gardens surround a 12th-century castle perched on a cliff overlooking the Seine River. The terraced gardens offer magnificent views and are adorned with beautiful flowers, sculptures, and fountains. 10. Musée de la Mécanique Collection Schlumpf: Located in Mulhouse, around two hours away from Giverny, this museum is a paradise for car enthusiasts. It houses an impressive collection of vintage automobiles, motorcycles, and racing cars, providing an immersive experience into the world of automotive engineering and design.

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