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Hélène & Gilles Cabarat
Boulon 58700 Lurcy Le Bourg


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  • Château de La Motte Josserand: Located in Prémery, this medieval castle offers guided tours that allow visitors to explore its historic architecture, including towers, a drawbridge, and a moat.
  • Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours: Situated in Magny-Cours, this renowned motorsport race track hosts various international events, including Formula One races. Visitors can enjoy watching thrilling races or even participate in driving experiences.
  • Parc Floral d'Apremont: A beautiful floral park located in Apremont-sur-Allier, featuring meticulously maintained gardens, water features, and a variety of plant species. Visitors can stroll along the pathways and enjoy the tranquility and natural beauty of the park.
  • Château de Guédelon: This unique attraction near Treigny is a medieval-style castle construction project. Visitors can witness craftsmen using traditional techniques to build the castle from scratch, providing an immersive experience of medieval architecture and craftsmanship.
  • Sainte-Bernadette Church: Situated in Nevers, this Roman Catholic church is an important pilgrimage site for followers of Saint Bernadette. The beautiful architecture and stained glass windows make it a must-visit attraction for both religious and architectural enthusiasts.
  • Palais Ducal: Located in Nevers, this former residence of the Dukes of Nevers now serves as the Town Hall. With its Gothic and Renaissance architectural styles, visitors can explore its courtyard and admire the impressive facades.
  • Musée de la Faïencerie: Situated in Nevers, this museum showcases the history and art of faience pottery. The collection includes intricate ceramics, tools, and displays detailing the process of creating these beautiful pieces.
  • Canal du Nivernais: A picturesque canal stretching across the Nivernais region, offering opportunities for boat trips, cycling, and peaceful walks along its banks. Visitors can enjoy the scenic views, charming locks, and surrounding countryside.
  • Maison Jules Roy: Located in Vézelay, this museum is dedicated to the life and works of French writer Jules Roy. Visitors can explore the museum's exhibits, which include personal belongings, manuscripts, and photographs, providing insight into the author's life and literary contributions. 10. Fontainebleau Forest: Situated approximately 2 hours from Lurcy Le Bourg, this vast forest is a popular destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. It offers numerous hiking trails, bouldering opportunities, and scenic viewpoints amidst a diverse ecosystem.