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Contact Details:


Pascal Berville
A 150m de La Plage et à proximité de 2 autres plage 14 Res du Helleux.



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Price per week:

price from €475






Description for B&B:

Our cottages are all equipped with air conditioning for your comfort. Additionally, we offer convenient car rental services with airport delivery. The rates for our Studio cottages range from 250 to 450 per week, depending on the season. For our T2 cottages with spa amenities, the rates vary from 405 to 695 per week, depending on the season.

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Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Plage de Bois Jolan: Located just a short distance from the given address, Plage de Bois Jolan is a beautiful and secluded beach with clear turquoise waters and powdery white sand. It is known for its calm and tranquil atmosphere, making it a perfect spot for sunbathing, swimming, and snorkeling.
  • Plage de la Caravelle: Situated near the town of Sainte-Anne, Plage de la Caravelle is one of the most popular beaches in Guadeloupe. With its stunning scenery, including coconut trees and crystal-clear waters, it offers a range of activities such as water sports, beach volleyball, and picnicking. The beach is also home to the Club Med Resort.
  • Les Salines Beach: Located approximately 6 kilometers from Sainte-Anne, Les Salines Beach is renowned for its pristine beauty and calm waters. Surrounded by lush vegetation and coconut trees, this beach offers a serene and picturesque setting for relaxation. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, and taking leisurely walks along the shore.
  • Pointe des Châteaux: Situated at the easternmost tip of Guadeloupe, Pointe des Châteaux is a breathtaking natural landmark. It boasts stunning cliffs, rocky formations, and panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean. The area also features a picturesque chapel and hiking trails for visitors to explore.
  • La Datcha Beach: Located in the heart of Sainte-Anne, La Datcha Beach is a lively and bustling beach with a vibrant atmosphere. It offers a variety of water sports activities such as jet skiing, paddleboarding, and kayaking. The beach is also lined with restaurants, bars, and shops, providing a lively and entertaining setting for tourists.
  • Memorial Acte: Situated in Pointe-à-Pitre, approximately 20 kilometers from Sainte-Anne, the Memorial Acte is a cultural center and museum dedicated to the history and heritage of Guadeloupe and the Caribbean. It showcases various exhibitions, performances, and educational programs that explore the region's past and present.
  • Aquarium de la Guadeloupe: Located in Bas-du-Fort, Pointe-à-Pitre, the Aquarium de la Guadeloupe offers visitors an opportunity to discover the rich marine life of the Caribbean. It houses a wide variety of tropical fish, turtles, sharks, and other fascinating aquatic creatures. The aquarium also features informative exhibits, interactive displays, and daily shows.
  • Fort Fleur d'Épée: Situated in Le Gosier, approximately 25 kilometers from Sainte-Anne, Fort Fleur d'Épée is a historic fortification dating back to the 18th century. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding area and provides insight into Guadeloupe's colonial past. Visitors can explore the fort's grounds, visit the museum, and learn about its military history. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from relaxing on beautiful beaches to exploring the rich cultural and historical heritage of Guadeloupe.