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Camille Bernard
Les Vailhès


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price from €450




Description for Gite

This garden-level gite is located in a wing of the house, offering a stunning view of the lake. It features two rooms, one with a spacious bed and the other with twin beds. The gite also includes a fully equipped kitchen and a spacious 40m2 living area. Guests have direct access to the terrace, which is complete with a barbecue, and a garden that overlooks the lake. The garden is shared with the main house.


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When traveling from Montpellier, take the A75 highway and exit at N°55. If you are coming from Millau, take the N54 highway. At the Cartels roundabout, take the D148E road towards "Lake du Salagou". After 1km, turn left onto "Les Vailhès" road. After 500 meters, turn left again, following the road that goes uphill towards Les Vailhès. Once you reach Les Vailhès, continue downhill until you reach the last house known as "La Maison du Lac".



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extra bed
Holiday Home 4 450 680


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  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: Located about 20 kilometers away, this picturesque medieval village is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is renowned for its well-preserved architecture, narrow streets, and the beautiful Abbey of Gellone.
  • Lac du Salagou: Situated approximately 10 kilometers southeast of Les Vailhès, Lac du Salagou is a stunning lake surrounded by red hills and rugged landscapes. It offers various recreational activities, including swimming, fishing, hiking, and water sports.
  • Cirque de Mourèze: Just a short drive from Les Vailhès, this unique geological formation is a must-see. The cirque features an impressive array of rock formations and peculiar limestone sculptures, making it a paradise for nature lovers and hikers.
  • Grotte de Clamouse: Located around 30 kilometers north of Les Vailhès, this limestone cave is renowned for its stunning stalactites and stalagmites. Visitors can explore its underground galleries on guided tours and admire the breathtaking natural formations.
  • Pézenas: Situated approximately 30 kilometers southwest, Pézenas is a charming town with a rich history. Known as the birthplace of French playwright Molière, it boasts well-preserved medieval and Renaissance architecture, lively markets, and artisan shops.
  • Roquebrun: Located about 40 kilometers southeast, Roquebrun is a picturesque village nestled on the banks of the River Orb. Known as the "Mediterranean Garden," it offers stunning views, a Mediterranean garden, and opportunities for canoeing, swimming, and relaxing by the river.
  • Montpellier: Situated approximately 40 kilometers northwest, Montpellier is a vibrant city known for its historic center, elegant boulevards, and lively cultural scene. Visitors can explore the Place de la Comédie, visit the impressive Saint-Pierre Cathedral, or discover the numerous museums and art galleries.
  • Béziers: Located about 40 kilometers southwest, Béziers is a historic city with a rich heritage. It is home to the stunning Saint-Nazaire Cathedral, the Canal du Midi, and the renowned Feria de Béziers, a traditional bullfighting festival held in August.
  • Pont du Diable: Located approximately 25 kilometers northeast, Pont du Diable is a medieval stone bridge spanning the Hérault River. It offers a picturesque setting and is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, making it a popular spot for picnics and swimming. 10. Cévennes National Park: Situated about 80 kilometers north of Les Vailhès, the Cévennes National Park is a vast protected area known for its diverse flora and fauna, stunning landscapes, and opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and wildlife spotting.

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