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Benjamin Poirier
Domaine Borie


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Price per night:

price from €80




Description for B&B:

The region boasts a stunning mansion that dates back to the early 1800s, which has been fully refurbished to its former glory. This magnificent abode features a charming terrace that offers picturesque views of a meticulously designed garden, complete with a refreshing swimming pool. Inside, the mansion boasts five exceptionally roomy guest quarters, each uniquely adorned in distinct themes to provide an immersive and unparalleled escape. Additionally, guests are welcome to indulge in the various inviting living spaces within the house, including a cozy lounge area and a dining room adorned with a cozy fireplace.

Description for Gite

Experience the charm and local heritage of our accommodations. Immerse yourself in a picturesque setting amidst the vineyards, granting you complete independence and freedom.
Our fully furnished cottages boast a private terrace equipped with comfortable garden furniture and a BBQ facility, inviting you to indulge in delightful outdoor gatherings. Additionally, our shared pool allows you to cool off during warm days, while our scenic mountain bike rides provide an opportunity to explore the idyllic countryside.


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To reach the New Castle Borie, take the A61 highway and exit at Carcassonne TREBES. Follow the signs for TREBES and continue towards Laure-Minervois. After driving for approximately 5-6 kilometers, you will arrive at the entrance of the New Castle Borie.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 80 120 20 OUI
Notes: up to 6 people / lodging


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


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  • Canal du Midi: A marvelous feat of engineering, the Canal du Midi stretches over 240 kilometers from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can take boat tours, walk or cycle along its banks, and admire the scenic landscapes and charming villages along the way.
  • Abbey of Fontfroide: Situated near Narbonne, this former Cistercian monastery is renowned for its beautiful architecture and tranquil surroundings. Visitors can explore its well-preserved cloister, church, and gardens, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the abbey.
  • Narbonne: A historic city located on the banks of the Canal de la Robine, Narbonne boasts an impressive Roman heritage and a rich cultural scene. Highlights include the Archbishop's Palace, the Roman Horreum, and the vibrant Les Halles market.
  • Lagrasse: A picturesque village nestled in the Corbières wine region, Lagrasse charms visitors with its cobbled streets, medieval abbey, and scenic views. It is an ideal destination for those seeking relaxation, cultural experiences, and delicious local wines.
  • Minerve: Perched on a rocky hilltop, the fortified village of Minerve is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. Its narrow streets, ancient walls, and stunning views make it a captivating destination. The village is also known for its connection to the Cathar history and the tragic events of the siege of Minerve.
  • Limoux: Famous for its sparkling wine, Blanquette de Limoux, Limoux is a charming town with a rich heritage. Visitors can explore its medieval streets, admire its picturesque squares, and enjoy wine tastings at local vineyards.
  • Gruissan: A coastal town known for its beautiful sandy beaches, Gruissan offers a range of water activities such as swimming, sailing, and windsurfing. The town also features a historic castle and a charming old village with narrow streets and traditional houses.
  • La Cité de l'Espace: Located in Toulouse, La Cité de l'Espace is an interactive space-themed park that offers a unique experience for both adults and children. Visitors can explore exhibitions, discover space artifacts, and even take a virtual journey to outer space. 10. Les Gorges de l'Hérault: A stunning natural attraction, Les Gorges de l'Hérault is a river canyon with crystal-clear waters surrounded by dramatic cliffs. It offers opportunities for hiking, swimming, and picnicking, and is a perfect spot for nature lovers. These tourist attractions near Lieu-dit Domaine Borie Neuve in Badens, France, offer a diverse range of experiences from exploring medieval castles and historic towns to enjoying natural wonders and wine tasting.