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M et Mme Alazard
Cervel - Route de Vinnac


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

Madeleine and Andre warmly welcome guests to their charming farmhouse in the picturesque Lot Valley. The rooms are beautifully furnished with traditional furniture and offer a view of the shady courtyard and garden terrace. Throughout the year, they offer gourmet stays featuring delicious farm and garden produce.

There are four cozy cottages available on the first floor of the farmhouse. One bedroom is perfect for two people, while two family rooms can accommodate two or three guests. Additionally, there is a separate bedroom available for two people, with an adjacent annex featuring two single beds. All rooms have their own shower rooms, toilets, and TVs. Guests can also enjoy a private lounge complete with a fireplace, piano, and library. The garden provides a tranquil space to relax and unwind.

The farmhouse showcases regional furniture and charming chimneys, creating a truly authentic experience. Guests can indulge in gourmet meals made with farm-fresh ingredients, such as roe with sorrel, aligot, rabbit terrine, goat cottage cheese, and homemade pastries. The beds in the rooms are 1.87 meters long, ensuring a comfortable night's sleep.

For guests staying more than one night, there is a 10% discount on the full stay starting from the second night onward. Children receive reduced rates, making it a perfect destination for families.


Appréciations pour Loustalde Cervel, Estaing:

Review by: Prune Calmel, Aou 5 2014 11:43AM
Nous avons passé un agréable moment chez M. et Mme Alazard. Ils sont très accueillants et ne manquerons pas de vous indiquer les bonnes adresses de restaurants. Les chambres sont en parfait état et très propres. Le cadre est idéal pour un séjour de tranquilité et nature. L'endroit est très bien indiqué. Je vous recommande vivement cette chambre d'hôtes!

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To reach your destination, go from Espalion to Estaing and then proceed towards "the monastery - vinnac." From there, follow the signs that indicate "Brain cottages."



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 65 24 OUI




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  • Pilgrimage Route of Santiago de Compostela: The Route of Santiago de Compostela passes through Estaing, making it a popular starting point for pilgrims. You can explore the beautiful countryside while following in the footsteps of centuries-old pilgrims.
  • Abbaye de Conques: Situated in the nearby village of Conques, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a true gem. The abbey's Romanesque architecture, ancient relics, and quaint streets make it a fascinating destination for history and art enthusiasts.
  • Gorges du Lot: Just a short drive from Cervel, the Gorges du Lot is a breathtaking natural attraction. Explore the deep canyons, cliffs, and crystal-clear waters by hiking, kayaking, or taking a leisurely boat ride.
  • Laguiole: Known for its famous Laguiole knives, this charming village is a great place to immerse yourself in local culture. Visit the knife workshops, sample regional delicacies, and enjoy the tranquil countryside.
  • Micropolis, City of Insects: Located in Saint-Léons, Micropolis is a unique theme park dedicated to insects. Discover the fascinating world of bugs through interactive exhibits, educational displays, and a butterfly conservatory.
  • Espalion: Situated on the banks of the Lot River, Espalion is a picturesque town known for its stunning medieval bridge, Pont-Vieux. Explore its narrow streets, visit the local market, and enjoy the tranquil ambiance.
  • Château du Bousquet: This 13th-century castle, nestled in the village of Prévinquières, offers a glimpse into the region's medieval history. Take a guided tour to learn about the castle's rich past and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Rodez: The capital of Aveyron, Rodez is a vibrant city with a blend of historical and modern attractions. Visit the impressive Rodez Cathedral, explore the Musée Soulages showcasing contemporary art, and stroll through the charming old town. 10. Millau Viaduct: Although a bit further away, the Millau Viaduct is an engineering marvel that should not be missed. This cable-stayed bridge spans the Tarn Valley and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.