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Joelle Esnault
75 Rue Félix Thomas


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Price per night:

price from €59






Description for B&B:

This delightful studio measures 30m2 and features a well-equipped kitchenette, a bathroom and a separate toilet. The cozy sleeping area is furnished with a comfortable double bed, perfect for accommodating two people.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 59 59 380 380 20 OUI




  • Château des Ducs de Bretagne: Located in the heart of Nantes, this stunning medieval castle was once the residence of the Dukes of Brittany. Visitors can explore the beautifully preserved rooms, learn about the region's history, and enjoy panoramic views from the towers.
  • Jardin des Plantes: Known as one of the oldest botanical gardens in France, Jardin des Plantes offers a peaceful oasis in the city. The garden boasts a wide variety of plant species, serene walking paths, and charming greenhouses. It's a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic.
  • Machines de l'île: This unique attraction combines mechanical wonders with artistic imagination. Inspired by Jules Verne's works, Machines de l'île features giant mechanical animals, including a mechanical elephant that visitors can ride. It's an extraordinary blend of fantasy and engineering.
  • Cathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul: This magnificent Gothic cathedral is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts. The intricate stained glass windows, towering spires, and stunning interior make it a true masterpiece. Don't miss the opportunity to climb the tower for breathtaking views of the city.
  • Musée d'Arts de Nantes: Housed in a beautifully restored 19th-century palace, the Musée d'Arts de Nantes is home to an impressive collection of artworks spanning from the 13th century to contemporary pieces. From paintings to sculptures, the museum offers a diverse range of artistic treasures.
  • Passage Pommeraye: Step back in time and explore this elegant 19th-century shopping arcade. With its ornate ironwork, grand staircase, and charming boutiques, Passage Pommeraye is a delightful place for shopping, browsing, or simply enjoying the architectural beauty.
  • Île de Versailles: Located in the Erdre River, Île de Versailles is a serene island garden that provides a tranquil escape from the city. The Japanese-inspired garden, picturesque bridges, and serene waterways create a peaceful atmosphere perfect for relaxation and contemplation.
  • Memorial to the Abolition of Slavery: Situated near the Loire River, this thought-provoking memorial pays tribute to the victims of slavery and commemorates the historic abolition of slavery in France. The monument features powerful sculptures and informative displays that shed light on this dark period of history.
  • Musée Jules Verne: Fans of Jules Verne's imaginative tales will enjoy a visit to this museum dedicated to the famous author. Housed in a beautiful 19th-century mansion, the museum showcases Verne's life, works, and the inspiration behind his extraordinary stories. 10. La Cigale: A visit to Nantes wouldn't be complete without experiencing the local gastronomy. La Cigale is a historic brasserie known for its exquisite Belle Époque décor and delicious traditional French cuisine. Indulge in a memorable dining experience, savoring local specialties and soaking in the vibrant atmosphere.