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Jean Lattelier
Quartier La Fontaine


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Price per week:

price from €400





Description for Gite

This charming gite features a spacious 120 m² interior with a beautiful terrace and porch offering stunning clear views and a tranquil atmosphere. It boasts 3 comfortable bedrooms and mezzanines accommodating up to 8 to 10 guests. The gite is well-equipped with a large kitchen, cozy lounge, inviting dining area, and a bathroom with separate toilets. Additionally, there is an adjacent garden spanning 600m² for your enjoyment.


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To reach Moustiers-Sainte-Marie from Manosque and Digne, continue on the designated route. Upon reaching Puimoisson, kindly get in touch with me via phone: 06 72 93 92 17.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
(3 pers.)
Holiday Home 2 400 600 15




  • Gorges du Verdon: Located just a few kilometers away from Quartier La Fontaine, the Gorges du Verdon is a breathtaking natural wonder and one of the most popular tourist attractions in the region. It is known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe" and offers stunning views, hiking trails, and water activities such as kayaking and paddleboarding.
  • Moustiers-Sainte-Marie: A charming village situated at the base of a cliff, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie is known for its picturesque setting and traditional Provençal charm. Visitors can explore its narrow streets lined with artisan shops, admire the famous ceramic pottery, and visit the Notre-Dame de Beauvoir chapel overlooking the village.
  • Lac de Sainte-Croix: This beautiful turquoise lake is located near the Gorges du Verdon and offers a perfect spot for relaxation and water activities. Visitors can go swimming, rent pedal boats or kayaks, or simply enjoy a picnic on the sandy beaches. The lake is surrounded by stunning natural scenery, making it a popular spot for nature lovers.
  • Sainte-Croix-du-Verdon: Situated on the shores of Lake Sainte-Croix, this small village is worth a visit for its charming atmosphere and beautiful views. Explore the narrow streets, enjoy a meal at one of the local restaurants, or take a leisurely boat ride on the lake. The village also offers various water sports activities for those seeking adventure.
  • Roussillon: Known for its vibrant ochre cliffs and picturesque streets, Roussillon is a must-visit destination for art and nature lovers. The village is famous for its unique red and orange-colored buildings, which stand out against the surrounding landscape. Explore the art galleries, wander through the colorful streets, and take in the stunning panoramic views from the top of the cliffs.
  • Forcalquier: Located a short distance from Quartier La Fontaine, Forcalquier is a historic town with a rich heritage. Explore its medieval architecture, visit the impressive Notre-Dame du Bourguet cathedral, and stroll through the bustling market held every Monday. The town also offers beautiful views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Lavender Fields: The region around Puimoisson is known for its vast lavender fields, which are a sight to behold during the blooming season (typically from June to August). Take a drive through the countryside and immerse yourself in the fragrant beauty of the lavender fields, or visit one of the local distilleries to learn about the lavender production process. These tourist attractions near Quartier La Fontaine offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural wonders to charming villages and cultural heritage sites.

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