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Corinne Buisson
67 Chemin des Fontaines
St Eustache


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Price per night:

price from €77


04 50 51 54 14


06 76 58 72 63


Description for B&B:

There are three guest rooms designed in a cozy Savoyard style, each with its own separate entrance. In the morning, guests can enjoy a delicious breakfast served in a charming cottage, nestled in a picturesque setting. The cottage is adorned with a traditional wood stove, reminiscent of our beloved grandmothers' warmth and comfort.

Description for Gite

THE GRANGETTE: This charming room features a kitchenette, a flat screen TV, and a terrace offering breathtaking panoramic views of Lake Annecy.

Gilt room: Experience luxury in this elegant room, complete with a kitchenette, a cozy fireplace, a flat screen TV, and a terrace boasting stunning panoramic views of Lake Annecy.

THE TOURNETTE: This cozy room is furnished with a high table and a flat screen TV, perfect for enjoying a comfortable stay.


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To get to Sévrier from Annecy, head towards Albertville. Once you reach Sévrier, take the second exit at the roundabout and turn right onto St Eustache. Continue on St Eustache for 9 kilometers. Before reaching the main area of St Eustache, take a left towards Cruet and Puget. In Puget, turn right onto Magne and travel for 1 kilometer. Finally, turn right onto The Balconies of the Gilt.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
(3 pers.)
1 77 92




  • Annecy: Located approximately 15 kilometers east of St Eustache, Annecy is a picturesque town known as the "Venice of the Alps." It features a stunning lake, charming canals, and a well-preserved old town with colorful houses and cobbled streets.
  • Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard: Situated on a hill overlooking Lake Annecy, this medieval castle offers breathtaking views and an intriguing history. Visitors can explore the castle's rooms, admire the architecture, and enjoy the manicured gardens.
  • Gorges du Fier: A natural wonder just 20 kilometers from St Eustache, the Gorges du Fier is a narrow canyon carved by the Fier River. A walkway clings to the cliffside, providing visitors with an exhilarating experience as they marvel at the impressive rock formations and rushing waters below.
  • Palais de l'Isle: Located in the heart of Annecy, this iconic building is a former prison that now serves as a local history museum. Its unique triangular shape, positioned on a small island in the Thiou River, makes it one of the most recognizable landmarks in the region.
  • Mont Veyrier: This mountain, standing at an elevation of 1,291 meters, offers breathtaking panoramic views of Lake Annecy and the surrounding area. Hiking enthusiasts can enjoy various trails that lead to the summit, providing a rewarding experience for outdoor lovers.
  • Jardins de l'Europe: Situated along the lakeshore in Annecy, these beautiful gardens offer a peaceful escape in the heart of the city. Visitors can stroll through manicured lawns, admire colorful flower beds, and relax on benches while enjoying views of the lake and mountains.
  • Église Saint-François de Sales: This impressive church in Annecy is dedicated to Saint Francis de Sales, the patron saint of the city. Its stunning architecture, including a beautiful bell tower and intricate interior decorations, makes it a must-visit for those interested in religious and historical sites.
  • Col de la Forclaz: Situated around 20 kilometers southwest of St Eustache, this mountain pass offers spectacular views of Lake Annecy and the surrounding mountains. It is a popular spot for paragliding, hiking, and enjoying scenic drives through the picturesque landscapes.
  • Château de Montrottier: A short drive from St Eustache, this medieval castle is nestled in the foothills of the French Alps. It features a fascinating collection of weapons, armor, and antique furniture, providing a glimpse into the region's rich history. 10. Musée-Château d'Annecy: Housed in a restored medieval castle, this museum showcases the art and history of Annecy and its surroundings. Visitors can explore exhibitions that highlight the region's heritage, including paintings, sculptures, and artifacts from different periods. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary based on the specific route taken.

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