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Contact Details:


Marie Delignieres
Ferme de Canny
Canny Sur Matz


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Price per night:

price from €75





Description for B&B:

This description highlights the features of the accommodation:

- The bed size is 160*200.
- The bathroom and toilet are separate, providing convenience and privacy.
- Each room is equipped with a flat-screen TV and internet access.
- A parking lot is available for guests.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 75 75
(3 pers.)
1 75 105




  • Château de Pierrefonds: Located just 7 kilometers from Ferme de Canny, Château de Pierrefonds is a magnificent castle that dates back to the medieval times. It offers visitors a chance to explore its grand architecture, stunning gardens, and historical exhibits.
  • Compiègne Forest: Situated about 10 kilometers south of Ferme de Canny, Compiègne Forest is a vast and picturesque woodland area. It is perfect for nature lovers, offering beautiful walking trails, cycling paths, and picnic spots.
  • Clairière de l'Armistice: Also known as the Glade of the Armistice, this historical site is located within Compiègne Forest, around 13 kilometers from Ferme de Canny. It is where the Armistice of Compiègne was signed, ending World War I. Visitors can explore the memorial and museum dedicated to this significant event in history.
  • Musée de la Nacre et de la Tabletterie: Situated in Méru, approximately 25 kilometers northwest of Ferme de Canny, this museum showcases the intricate art of nacre (mother-of-pearl) and the heritage of the tablet-making industry. Visitors can admire beautiful artifacts, learn about the manufacturing process, and even try their hand at creating their own souvenirs.
  • Chantilly Castle: Located around 35 kilometers northeast of Ferme de Canny, Chantilly Castle is a stunning Renaissance château surrounded by landscaped gardens and a large park. The castle houses the Musée Condé, which displays an impressive collection of artwork, manuscripts, and antique books.
  • Parc Astérix: Situated approximately 40 kilometers north of Ferme de Canny, Parc Astérix is a popular theme park based on the famous French comic series, Asterix and Obelix. It offers thrilling rides, live shows, and attractions inspired by the Gauls' adventures.
  • Senlis: A charming medieval town located about 22 kilometers northeast of Ferme de Canny, Senlis is known for its well-preserved historic center. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, admire the Gothic cathedral, and explore the ancient ramparts and town walls.
  • Domaine de Chantilly: Adjacent to Chantilly Castle, Domaine de Chantilly is a vast estate encompassing beautiful gardens, a racecourse, and the Great Stables, which are home to the Living Horse Museum. Visitors can enjoy horse shows, explore the gardens, and even take a carriage ride.
  • Musée de la Figurine Historique: Situated in Compiègne, approximately 13 kilometers south of Ferme de Canny, this museum showcases an extensive collection of historical figurines, including soldiers, knights, and characters from various eras. It provides a unique insight into the art of miniature modeling. 10. Saint-Jean-aux-Bois Abbey: Located around 20 kilometers northeast of Ferme de Canny, this former Cistercian abbey is now a hotel and restaurant. Its picturesque setting and historic architecture make it a peaceful retreat for visitors seeking tranquility in the French countryside.

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