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Contact Details:


Jenny Philip Fajardo
Chemin du Pastresson
Le Paradou


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Price per night:

price from €85




Description for B&B:

There are two rooms available, perfectly designed for couples, featuring full bathrooms and separate toilets. Additionally, there is a suite with two bedrooms, a shared bathroom, and a separate toilet. Both bedrooms in the suite have access to a terrace that leads to the beautiful garden.


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To start your journey from Les Baux, head onto D78f road. About 3km ahead, you'll notice a sign on the left indicating La Burlande. This sign marks the entrance to a gravel road called Chemin du Pastresson. Continue on this road for 300m, and you will arrive at the garden.


Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 85 30 oui
Notes: Price max = 4 people


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Les Baux-de-Provence (2.5 km): A picturesque medieval village perched on a rocky outcrop, offering stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Explore its narrow streets, visit the impressive Château des Baux, and discover the unique art installations at the Carrières de Lumières.
  • Carrieres de Lumieres (2.7 km): An immersive art exhibition held in an abandoned limestone quarry. Walk among giant screens that project famous artworks accompanied by music, creating a captivating multisensory experience.
  • Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (7 km): A charming Provençal town known for its rich history and vibrant atmosphere. Visit the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole monastery, where Vincent van Gogh stayed and painted some of his masterpieces. Explore the lively town center with its boutique shops, cafes, and weekly markets.
  • Archaeological Site of Glanum (7.5 km): An ancient Roman city dating back to the 3rd century BC. Wander through well-preserved ruins such as temples, houses, and an impressive triumphal arch. The site offers insight into the Roman civilization and its architectural achievements.
  • Château des Baux-de-Provence (3 km): A medieval fortress located in Les Baux-de-Provence. Discover the castle's history, admire its impressive architecture, and enjoy panoramic views from its ramparts. The site also hosts exhibitions and medieval reenactments.
  • Van Gogh Foundation (7.5 km): A museum dedicated to the life and work of Vincent van Gogh. Explore the artist's paintings, drawings, and letters, providing an insight into his creative process and his connection to the region.
  • Olive Oil Mill in Les Baux-de-Provence (2.8 km): Learn about the traditional olive oil production process in this working mill. Take a guided tour to discover the history of olive oil making, taste different varieties, and purchase high-quality local products.
  • Abbey of Montmajour (12 km): An impressive 10th-century abbey located on a small island near Arles. Explore the abbey's ruins, climb its tower for panoramic views, and appreciate the serene atmosphere of this historical site.
  • Carrieres de Lumieres - The Painters of Color (2.7 km): Another immersive art exhibition held at the Carrières de Lumieres, focusing on the works of famous painters. Walk through the projected images and experience the art in a unique and engaging way. 10. Alpilles Natural Regional Park (surrounding area): A beautiful natural park offering hiking and biking trails through scenic landscapes. Discover the diverse flora and fauna, explore charming Provençal villages, and enjoy the tranquility of this protected area.