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Chatelain Lise
La Miat - Voie Romaine


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  • Château de Barby: Located in the heart of Barby, this historic castle dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the well-preserved architecture, beautiful gardens, and learn about the castle's fascinating history.
  • Lac du Bourget: Situated just a short drive from La Miat, Lac du Bourget is the largest natural lake in France. The lake offers stunning scenery, water activities like swimming and sailing, and picturesque lakeside villages to explore.
  • Chambéry: The nearby city of Chambéry is known for its charming old town, featuring narrow cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and lively squares. Visitors can enjoy exploring the city's historical landmarks, such as the Château de Chambéry and the Fontaine des Éléphants.
  • Les Charmettes: A visit to Les Charmettes is a chance to step into the world of philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This well-preserved 18th-century house was once his residence and now serves as a museum, showcasing his life and works.
  • Abbaye de Hautecombe: Located on the shores of Lac du Bourget, this stunning abbey is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Visitors can admire the intricate details of the church, explore the serene grounds, and learn about the abbey's rich history.
  • Aix-les-Bains: Nestled on the eastern shore of Lac du Bourget, Aix-les-Bains is a popular spa town with a rich Roman heritage. Visitors can enjoy the town's thermal baths, stroll along the lake promenade, and explore the charming town center.
  • Les Gorges du Fier: Just a short drive from Barby, Les Gorges du Fier is a natural wonder worth visiting. This narrow gorge was carved by the Fier River and offers breathtaking views as visitors walk along a suspended footbridge built into the rock face.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Massif des Bauges: For nature enthusiasts, this regional park is a must-visit. With its diverse landscapes, including mountains, forests, and lakes, the park offers numerous outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting.
  • Musée des Charmettes: Located in Chambéry, this museum is dedicated to the life and works of famous French writer, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It showcases his personal belongings, manuscripts, and offers insights into his philosophical ideas. 10. Le Revard: Situated in the French Alps, Le Revard is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Known for its ski resort, visitors can also enjoy hiking in the summer, taking in panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

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