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Contact Details:


Philippe Larralde
7 Allees Eyheraberry
Saint Jean Pied De Port


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Price per week:

price from €500






Description for Gite

Welcome to Chalet Jean Baptiste, a charming holiday cottage located in the residential area of Saint Jean Pied de Port. Situated in a peaceful setting, this cottage is conveniently close to a river and just a short 5-minute walk from the historic center, accessible via a picturesque pedestrian path along the water.

Nestled in its own private area, this independent cottage offers a tranquil retreat amidst lush green surroundings. It features 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, providing ample space and comfort for a truly relaxing stay. Rest assured, you will feel right at home.

The kitchen is fully equipped with all the necessary appliances, allowing you to prepare meals with ease. Whether you choose to dine in or explore the local culinary scene, the choice is yours.

The port of Saint Jean Pied de Port is perfectly situated for those who enjoy hiking, as well as for those seeking memorable days at the nearby ocean or mountains. There are plenty of activities to enjoy in the vicinity, including swimming, tennis, rafting, tree climbing, paragliding, and much more.

Come and experience the beauty and tranquility of Chalet Jean Baptiste. Your dream holiday awaits.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 500 850


Animals Allowed


  • Rue de la Citadelle: This charming street in Saint Jean Pied De Port is known for its picturesque buildings and shops. It is a great place to wander and soak in the local atmosphere.
  • St-Jean-Pied-de-Port Citadel: This historic citadel is a well-preserved fortress that offers stunning views of the town and surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the ramparts and learn about the area's military history.
  • Church of Notre-Dame-du-Bout-du-Pont: This beautiful church dates back to the 13th century and is located near the start of the Camino de Santiago. It features intricate architecture and is a significant pilgrimage site for many travelers.
  • Porte St-Jacques: This iconic gate marks the entrance to the old town of Saint Jean Pied De Port. It is a popular photo spot and also serves as a starting point for pilgrims embarking on the Camino de Santiago.
  • Orisson Refuge: Situated on the Camino de Santiago, this mountain refuge offers accommodation and facilities for hikers and pilgrims. It provides breathtaking views of the Pyrenees and is a peaceful place to rest and recharge.
  • Aldudes Valley: A short drive from Saint Jean Pied De Port, Aldudes Valley is a scenic and tranquil area known for its natural beauty. It is an ideal spot for hiking, biking, or simply enjoying the peaceful countryside.
  • Roncesvalles: Located just across the border in Spain, Roncesvalles is an important stop along the Camino de Santiago. It is known for its medieval monastery, which houses a museum and offers accommodation for pilgrims.
  • Basque Country: Saint Jean Pied De Port is located in the Basque Country, which is renowned for its unique culture, delicious cuisine, and beautiful landscapes. Exploring the nearby towns and countryside allows visitors to experience the rich heritage of the Basque people. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring that visitors to Saint Jean Pied De Port have plenty to explore and enjoy during their stay.