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Jean-Marc Einsetler
17 Rue Chauffour


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Price per night:

price from €90





Description for B&B:

This is a unique opportunity to stay at B & B, a charming original accommodation located in the heart of the historic center of Colmar. The room offers a private bathroom and an independent entrance for your convenience. Inside, you will find a comfortable desk, a spacious dressing room, a modern flat screen TV, and reliable wifi. Additionally, there is an option to avail parking facilities for an additional fee.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 90 120 500 750




  • Petite Venise (Little Venice): Located just a few minutes away from 17 Rue Chauffour, Petite Venise is a picturesque neighborhood in Colmar. It features beautiful canals, colorful half-timbered houses, and charming bridges, reminiscent of the Italian city of Venice.
  • Musée Unterlinden: Situated around 1 kilometer from 17 Rue Chauffour, Musée Unterlinden is a renowned art museum housed in a former convent. It showcases a vast collection of artworks, including the famous Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald.
  • Colmar Old Town: The historic center of Colmar, which is within walking distance of 17 Rue Chauffour, offers an enchanting atmosphere with its well-preserved medieval and Renaissance architecture. Stroll through its narrow cobblestone streets, admire the colorful houses, and visit charming shops and cafes.
  • Bartholdi Museum: Located approximately 500 meters from 17 Rue Chauffour, the Bartholdi Museum is dedicated to the life and works of Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, the famous sculptor who designed the Statue of Liberty. The museum displays his sculptures, sketches, and personal artifacts.
  • House of Heads (Maison des Têtes): Situated less than 1 kilometer away from 17 Rue Chauffour, the House of Heads is an exceptional Renaissance building adorned with numerous sculpted heads. It is an architectural gem and an iconic landmark of Colmar.
  • The Dominican Church: Found around 900 meters from 17 Rue Chauffour, the Dominican Church (Église des Dominicains) is a remarkable example of Gothic architecture. It features beautiful stained glass windows and houses the Municipal Library with its extensive collection.
  • Colmar Covered Market (Marché Couvert): Located about 700 meters from 17 Rue Chauffour, the Colmar Covered Market is a vibrant indoor market offering a wide array of fresh produce, local specialties, and regional products. It's a great place to explore and experience the culinary delights of Alsace.
  • Toy Museum (Musée du Jouet): Situated approximately 1.5 kilometers away from 17 Rue Chauffour, the Toy Museum showcases a fascinating collection of toys from different eras. From dolls and teddy bears to model trains and board games, it offers an enjoyable experience for both children and adults.
  • Saint-Martin Church: Found around 500 meters from 17 Rue Chauffour, Saint-Martin Church is a magnificent Gothic church with a stunning interior. It houses remarkable stained glass windows and a beautiful organ, making it a must-visit for architecture and history enthusiasts. 10. Pfister House (Maison Pfister): Located less than 1 kilometer away from 17 Rue Chauffour, the Pfister House is a well-preserved Renaissance building adorned with ornate exterior frescoes. It provides a glimpse into the architectural heritage of Colmar and is open for visits. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring Colmar's rich history and art to enjoying its charming canals and local cuisine.

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