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Nathalie Barra
lieu dit de St étienne
Châteauroux-les Alpes


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Price per night:

price from €708





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Description for B&B:

Welcome to our peaceful and serene location, perfect for indulging in a variety of exciting activities such as skiing, canoeing, rafting, climbing, paragliding, canyoning, hiking, and exploring our rich heritage. Nathalie and Patrick will greet you with warm smiles and a delightful sense of humor in our spacious 90m2 guest area (with separate entrance, cozy lounge, private dining room, comforting fireplace, charming terrace, beautiful garden, and convenient parking). Our accommodations have been thoughtfully renovated using eco-friendly materials including lime, old stones, and larch. Each of our two cottages feature a comfortable double bed (180x200), a refreshing shower, and a private toilet to ensure a pleasant and relaxing stay. Indulge in exquisite meals prepared with local ingredients, showcasing refined flavors for our esteemed guests. Additionally, we offer the opportunity to experience the skilled hands of Nathalie (with 25 years of expertise) in our enchanting old vaulted cellar, where you can enjoy beauty treatments, rejuvenating wellness sessions, or invigorating Chinese energy techniques.


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To get from Gap to Briancon, take the road that passes through Embrun and continue for 8 km until you reach Lac de Serre-Ponçon. At this point, take the exit towards Chateauroux-les-Alpes, which is located within the Ecrins National Park. Once you are in the village, follow the signs to Guillestre. When leaving the village, continue on the road that leads to St Marcellin and St Etienne.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 708 708 oui
(3 pers.)
1 95 130 35 oui
Apartment 1 120 155
Holiday Home 1 110 110


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  • Lac de Serre-Ponçon: Located about 10 kilometers from Châteauroux-les Alpes, Lac de Serre-Ponçon is a stunning man-made reservoir surrounded by mountains. Visitors can enjoy various water activities, such as swimming, sailing, and fishing, or explore the hiking trails around the lake.
  • Parc National des Écrins: Situated approximately 30 kilometers away, Parc National des Écrins is a vast protected area known for its breathtaking alpine landscapes. It offers numerous outdoor activities, including hiking, mountaineering, and wildlife spotting, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers.
  • Fort de Mont-Dauphin: Located around 15 kilometers from Châteauroux-les Alpes, Fort de Mont-Dauphin is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This impressive fortress was built by Vauban in the 18th century and offers guided tours that provide insight into its architectural significance and historical importance.
  • Les Demoiselles Coiffées: Situated about 25 kilometers away, Les Demoiselles Coiffées is a unique geological site featuring fascinating rock formations. These tall, narrow pillars topped with large stones resemble "ladies with fancy hairstyles." Visitors can explore the area through walking trails and admire the natural beauty.
  • Briançon: Located approximately 50 kilometers from Châteauroux-les Alpes, Briançon is a historic town renowned for its well-preserved fortifications. The Vauban Citadel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, dominates the town and offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Visitors can also explore the charming old town, filled with picturesque streets and medieval architecture.
  • Aiguilles de Chabrières: Situated about 15 kilometers away, Aiguilles de Chabrières is a stunning mountain range that offers excellent hiking opportunities. It features rugged peaks, lush alpine meadows, and breathtaking vistas, making it an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts seeking panoramic views and natural beauty.
  • Musée de la Vallée: Located in nearby Embrun, around 20 kilometers from Châteauroux-les Alpes, Musée de la Vallée is a regional museum dedicated to the history, culture, and natural heritage of the region. It houses various exhibits showcasing archaeological artifacts, traditional crafts, and local flora and fauna.
  • Les Orres: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away, Les Orres is a popular ski resort in the winter and a mountain destination with numerous activities in the summer. Visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, paragliding, and zip-lining, among other outdoor adventures, while also experiencing the stunning mountain scenery. These tourist attractions near Châteauroux-les Alpes offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural wonders and historical sites to outdoor adventures and cultural exploration.

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