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Muryel Baude


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €625






Description for B&B:

We have a selection of 4 uniquely themed rooms to choose from: The Cathars (a spacious suite spanning 70 m2), The White, The Safari, and The Savannah.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming old winery, a magnificent house dating back to the 26th century. Located just 2 minutes away from the enchanting medieval city, our property offers a relaxing stay with a pool and private parking facilities. Enjoy complimentary wifi connection throughout your stay.


Appréciations pour Domaine de Marseillens, carcassonne:

Review by: Penalver Soto, Jan 13 2011 9:26PM
Les propiètaires, des gens adorables, sympatiques et de bon conseil, vous reçoives chaleurement dans une superbe ferme, restauré dans un esprit moderne.
Vraiment un endroit agréable.

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Take exit 24 on motorway A 61 (Toulouse - Montpellier) and head towards the City and the Cavayère lake.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 625 625 oui
(3 pers.)
1 95 115 3
Apartment 1 135 165


Swimming Pool


  • Carcassonne Medieval City: Located just a few kilometers away from the given address, Carcassonne Medieval City is a fortified town that dates back to the Gallo-Roman period. This UNESCO World Heritage site is known for its impressive medieval architecture, including the iconic double-walled fortifications and the Count's Castle.
  • Château Comtal: Situated within the Carcassonne Medieval City, the Château Comtal is a medieval castle that offers stunning views of the surrounding area. Visitors can explore its various towers, ramparts, and exhibits that depict the history and daily life within the castle walls.
  • Basilica of Saint-Nazaire: Located within the Carcassonne Medieval City, the Basilica of Saint-Nazaire is a beautiful Romanesque and Gothic church. It features intricate stained glass windows, a remarkable organ, and a stunning nave that showcases the history and art of the region.
  • Lac de la Cavayère: Situated just a short distance from the given address, Lac de la Cavayère is a picturesque lake surrounded by forests and greenery. It offers various recreational activities like swimming, kayaking, and hiking. The lake also has a sandy beach and picnic areas, making it an ideal spot for a day of relaxation.
  • Le Parc Australien: Located on the outskirts of Carcassonne, Le Parc Australien is a unique attraction that gives visitors a taste of Australia in France. It features a wide range of Australian flora and fauna, including kangaroos, emus, and koalas. The park offers guided tours, animal encounters, and cultural displays.
  • Pont Vieux: The Pont Vieux is a historic bridge that spans the Aude River in Carcassonne. Dating back to the 14th century, this bridge offers scenic views of the river and the city. It is a popular spot for a leisurely walk or bike ride, with cafes and shops nearby.
  • Canal du Midi: The Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage site that passes through Carcassonne. This historic waterway stretches over 240 kilometers, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Visitors can enjoy boat trips, cycling or walking along the towpath, and admire the picturesque landscapes along the canal.
  • Museum of Fine Arts: Situated in the heart of Carcassonne, the Museum of Fine Arts showcases a diverse collection of artworks from various periods. The museum exhibits paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts, providing insight into the cultural heritage of Carcassonne and the surrounding region.
  • The Bastide Saint-Louis: Located in the lower town of Carcassonne, the Bastide Saint-Louis is a 13th-century fortified town. This area offers charming streets lined with shops, restaurants, and cafes. Visitors can explore the Place Carnot, the central square of the Bastide, and enjoy the lively atmosphere. 10. Museum of the Inquisition: Housed in the former Palace of the Inquisition, the Museum of the Inquisition provides a glimpse into the dark history of the Catholic Inquisition. It displays artifacts, documents, and interactive exhibits that shed light on the persecution and trials that took place in Carcassonne during the Middle Ages.

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