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Jean-Marc Duluc
Les Treilles 50 Rue des Chasselas


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Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

I am offering you three rooms, two of which have a large bed, and one with two beds, accommodating a total of six people. The price of 80 EURO per night includes breakfast and taxes. The rate can be adjusted if multiple rooms are booked.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our seasonal holiday residence, nestled between Montpelier and the sea, and conveniently close to the Camargue. Situated in a peaceful and residential neighborhood, just 5km away from both Montpelier and the sea, Elisabeth and Jean-Marc invite you to experience a perfect holiday in their little paradise.

Our villa is designed with your well-being in mind, maximizing sunlight throughout the day. At the front of the house, a charming bodega awaits you, providing a tranquil spot for an apéritif before lunch. The swimming pool area is perfect for enjoying the best moments of the afternoon and long summer evenings, with a summer kitchen and barbecue at your disposal.

We offer all the comforts necessary for a truly relaxing holiday, including air conditioning, washing machine, tumble-dryer, dishwasher, ovens, microwaves, televisions, DVD players, and internet access. Your stay with us will be unforgettable.

For more information, please visit our website, LABEL CLEVACANCES.


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Take the A9 motorway and exit at Montpellier Est. From there, head towards the Beaches, La Grande Motte, and Carnon. Finally, take the exit at Boirargues Lattes.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: french breakfast
Holiday Home 1 1000 1350 non


Swimming Pool


  • Montpellier: Located just a few kilometers from Les Treilles, Montpellier is a vibrant city known for its historic center, beautiful architecture, and lively atmosphere. Explore the picturesque Place de la Comédie, visit the impressive Saint Pierre Cathedral, or wander through the charming streets of the old town.
  • Place de la Canourgue: Situated in the heart of Montpellier, Place de la Canourgue is a delightful square surrounded by elegant mansions and lined with cafes. Enjoy a drink or meal at one of the terraces while admiring the stunning 17th-century architecture.
  • Odysseum: This modern entertainment district in Montpellier offers a range of attractions for all ages. Discover the Mare Nostrum Aquarium with its impressive marine life, enjoy a movie at the Gaumont Multiplex Cinema, or shop at the numerous stores and boutiques.
  • Palavas-les-Flots: Located on the Mediterranean coast, Palavas-les-Flots is a charming seaside resort town. Stroll along the sandy beaches, visit the lighthouse, or try your luck at the Palavas Casino.
  • Les Grands Crus de Foncalieu Winery: For wine enthusiasts, a visit to this winery in Capestang is a must. Take a tour of the vineyards, learn about the winemaking process, and indulge in wine tastings of their prestigious selection.
  • Aigues-Mortes: This medieval walled city is rich in history and offers a unique glimpse into the past. Explore the well-preserved ramparts, visit the Tower of Constance, and wander through the ancient streets lined with shops and restaurants.
  • La Grande-Motte: Known for its modern architecture and long sandy beaches, La Grande-Motte is a popular tourist destination. Relax on the beach, try various water sports, or take a stroll along the marina filled with yachts.
  • Camargue Regional Nature Park: Located east of Les Treilles, the Camargue is a vast nature reserve renowned for its unique ecosystem and diverse wildlife. Embark on a safari tour to spot wild horses, flamingos, and other bird species, or explore the marshes and rice fields by bike or on horseback.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: This picturesque village, nestled in the Herault Valley, is considered one of the most beautiful in France. Admire the medieval architecture, visit the Abbey of Gellone, or go hiking in the stunning surrounding countryside. 10. Pont du Gard: Located near Nîmes, the Pont du Gard is a remarkable Roman aqueduct and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Marvel at the impressive engineering of this ancient structure, take a walk along the river, or enjoy a picnic in the scenic surroundings.

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