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Serge Julian
La Volpiliere
St Pierre des Tripiers



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price from €290






Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming gite, a carefully renovated seventeenth-century stable. We have taken great care to maintain the authentic style of the old arched houses in our area, creating a delightful little house for you to enjoy. This tranquil haven is the perfect place to unwind and find peace. Step inside and discover a space adorned with all the necessary comforts and amenities to ensure a memorable stay.


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To reach Millau, follow these travel directions:
- If you are coming from the north of France, head towards Clermont-Ferrand and take the A75 (which is toll-free). Continue on this road until you reach Exit 45, which will lead you to Millau.
- If you are coming from the south of France, take the A75 (also toll-free). Keep driving on this route until you reach Exit 47, which will guide you to Millau.
Please refer to the attached map for further assistance.



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Holiday Home 2 290 440




  • Gorges du Tarn: Located just a few kilometers away from La Volpiliere, the Gorges du Tarn is a stunning natural attraction. This deep canyon offers breathtaking views, hiking trails, and opportunities for water activities like kayaking and canoeing.
  • Millau Viaduct: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from La Volpiliere, the Millau Viaduct is an iconic modern bridge that spans the Tarn Valley. Known for its innovative design and impressive height, it offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Aven Armand: A fascinating underground cave system, Aven Armand is situated around 10 kilometers from La Volpiliere. Visitors can explore the magnificent stalactite and stalagmite formations, as well as learn about the geological history of the area.
  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon: Located about 30 kilometers away, Roquefort-sur-Soulzon is famous for its production of Roquefort cheese. Visitors can tour the caves where the cheese is aged, learn about the traditional production methods, and sample this world-renowned delicacy.
  • Sainte-Enimie: A charming medieval village nestled in the Gorges du Tarn, Sainte-Enimie is approximately 15 kilometers from La Volpiliere. With its narrow cobblestone streets, historic buildings, and beautiful views of the river, it offers a picturesque setting for a leisurely stroll.
  • Causse Mejean: Situated nearby, Causse Mejean is a vast limestone plateau known for its rugged beauty and diverse flora and fauna. It is a perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts, offering hiking trails, cycling routes, and stunning panoramic views.
  • Chateau de Peyrelade: Located approximately 15 kilometers from La Volpiliere, the Chateau de Peyrelade is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Tarn River. Visitors can explore its ruins, learn about its history, and enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Micropolis, City of Insects: Situated around 45 kilometers away, Micropolis is a unique theme park dedicated to insects. Visitors can discover the fascinating world of insects through interactive exhibits, live demonstrations, and a walk-through butterfly greenhouse.
  • Cevennes National Park: Located within a short distance, Cevennes National Park offers a diverse and unspoiled natural environment. With its mountains, rivers, and forests, it is a paradise for nature lovers, providing opportunities for hiking, wildlife spotting, and scenic drives. 10. Musee des Gorges du Tarn: Situated in Sainte-Enimie, approximately 15 kilometers away, the Musee des Gorges du Tarn is a small museum that showcases the cultural and natural heritage of the region. It offers informative exhibits on the local flora, fauna, geology, and traditional way of life.

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