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Louisette Anquet
32 Rue De La Croliere


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03 26 54 73 74


06 40 41 54 69


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  • Reims Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Reims, Reims Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic masterpiece and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is renowned for its stunning stained glass windows and the place where many French kings were crowned.
  • Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin: This famous champagne house in Reims offers guided tours of its historic cellars and vineyards. Visitors can learn about the champagne-making process and enjoy tastings of their renowned bubbly.
  • The Palace of Tau: Situated adjacent to Reims Cathedral, the Palace of Tau is a former residence of the archbishops of Reims. It now serves as a museum where visitors can admire its collection of royal artifacts, including coronation robes and tapestries.
  • Champagne Pommery: Another prominent champagne house in Reims, Champagne Pommery offers guided tours of its vast underground cellars. Visitors can learn about their traditional champagne production methods and taste their exceptional champagne blends.
  • Basilique Saint-Remi: Located in Reims, the Basilique Saint-Remi is a stunning Romanesque-style basilica dedicated to Saint Remi, the patron saint of the city. It houses beautiful stained glass windows and a museum showcasing religious artifacts.
  • Mercier Champagne Cellars: Situated in Épernay, a short distance from Gionges, Mercier Champagne Cellars is known for its unique guided tours on a small train. Visitors can explore the vast underground cellars and learn about the history of the Mercier champagne brand.
  • Montagne de Reims Regional Natural Park: A nature lover's paradise, this regional park covers a vast area of forests, vineyards, and picturesque countryside. Visitors can enjoy hiking, cycling, and wine tasting tours in this scenic and tranquil setting.
  • Basilique Notre-Dame de l'Épine: Located in the village of L'Épine, this stunning Gothic basilica is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It features intricate architectural details and beautiful stained glass windows.
  • Champagne Charles de Cazanove: Situated in Reims, Champagne Charles de Cazanove offers guided tours of its cellars and vineyards. Visitors can learn about the wine-making process and taste their exceptional range of champagnes. 10. Cité du Champagne - Champagne Collet: In the town of Aÿ, visitors can explore the Cité du Champagne, which is dedicated to the history and production of champagne. The Champagne Collet house offers tours that include tastings and an insight into the heritage of the region. Please note that the distances mentioned are approximate, and it is recommended to verify the exact locations and operating hours before visiting.

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