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Daniele Russo
Vicolo Della Lanterna, 14


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Price per night:

price from €45






Description for B&B:

Experience the best of both worlds - the comforts of a hotel and the lively atmosphere of a hostel - all at an affordable price.

At Globetrotter, our goal is to provide our guests with an immersive experience in Catania, allowing them to truly understand the local culture and the way of life of the Catania people, known as "i catanesi".

With our assistance, you will be able to explore the city in the most enjoyable way possible. Throughout the year, Daniele and his friends organize various activities such as dinner parties, excursions, skiing, swimming, and scuba-diving, giving you the opportunity to experience the true essence of our city.

We pride ourselves on our friendly and helpful staff, who are always ready to assist you with any issues you may encounter. We love getting to know our guests and would be delighted to share a cup of coffee or tea with you. We will provide you with a map of the city and any information you need for your stay. Our extensive knowledge of the city allows us to offer expert advice on anything you may require. Additionally, if you're interested, we also arrange social and cultural events with our guests and friends for you to participate in.


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Globetrotter B&B is situated in the heart of Catania's historical center, adjacent to the old fish market known as "A Piscaria". It is just 100 meters away from Duomo Square, where you can find the cathedral and the famous elephant statue. Behind the B&B, you will discover the impressive Ursino Castle, and further down the street lies the Greek Theatre, Roman Amphitheatre, and the renowned Via Crociferi, home to Bellini's residence.

If you start from Duomo Square, you can explore Via Etnea, a street lined with beautiful churches built in the late Baroque period, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. During the day, you can enjoy shopping, and at night, you can experience the lively nightlife all year round.

The B&B is conveniently located 5 km from the airport, 1 km from the railway station, 300 meters from the port, 700 meters from the beach, 30 minutes from Mount Etna, 40 minutes from Taormina, and 60 minutes from Siracusa.

If you are traveling by car, you can easily reach the historical center by following the map provided. We recommend arriving at the B&B after 13:30, as parking can be challenging due to the fish market closing at that time.

From the airport, you can take a bus every 20 minutes (from 5:00 to 24:00) to the city center, which will get you to the historical center in approximately 15 minutes. Simply inform the driver that you want to go to Duomo Square, then Mazzini's Square, and finally Via Auteri 40-Vicolo della Lanterna 14, which is just a 5-minute walk away.

From the railway station, you can take buses 431, 439, or 427, which will bring you to Duomo Square in 10 minutes. From there, you can walk to Mazzini's Square and continue to Via Auteri 40-Vicolo della Lanterna 14, which is another 5-minute walk.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 45 70 oui
(3 pers.)
2 60 90 oui
Apartment 2 55 80 300 390 non
Holiday Home 2 55 80 300 390 non


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