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13 Chemin des Graves


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price from €70






Description for B&B:

Subject: Cozy Cottage Retreat

Welcome to "Friend Way", a delightful countryside escape just 15 minutes away from Toulouse, the beloved pink city cherished by Claude Challe. Whether you are a couple looking for a cozy guest room, a small family seeking a comfortable house, or a group of friends in need of a well-furnished space, we have the perfect accommodation for you.

Each of our options comes with a separate entrance and a designated parking space. You can relax and unwind on the terrace, which is covered for the smaller room and fully furnished. Our serene garden offers a peaceful sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Our accommodations are tastefully decorated and equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning and Hi-Fi, ensuring that your stay is both comfortable and enjoyable.

In addition to providing a welcoming retreat, we are also here to assist you in exploring the remarkable attractions in our beautiful region. Whether it's the enchanting Gers, the picturesque Ariège, the captivating Tarn, or the charming areas outside of Toulouse, we can provide recommendations and guidance to help you make the most of your visit.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Description for Gite

Welcome to "Ami Chemin", where you can experience the joys of the countryside just 15 minutes away from Toulouse, the beloved pink city of Claude Nougaro. We offer a cozy bed and breakfast for couples, as well as two charming holiday cottages for two adults and one child. Each accommodation has its own private entrance and parking space for your convenience. Enjoy a covered terrace (available for the holiday cottages) and a peaceful garden, perfect for escaping the hustle and bustle of the city. Our accommodations are tastefully decorated and equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning and a HI-FI system (available in the holiday cottages). We're also here to provide recommendations and help you explore the many tourist attractions in our beautiful region. The Gers, Ariège, and Tarn are all within close proximity to Toulouse. We look forward to welcoming you!


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Take the A64 towards Foix and take exit number 36 (RN20). Follow the signs for Auterive / Labarthe on lèze. At the roundabout, take the right turn towards Pins-Justaret / Villate. Continue straight and cross Pins-justaret. At the roundabout near the water castle, go straight towards Villate. After 300 meters, turn left onto the Way of the Serious, and then take a left at number 13.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 70 70 8
Apartment 1 70 12 8
Holiday Home 1 70 12 8




  • Canal du Midi - Located in nearby Toulouse, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can enjoy boat rides, cycling along the canal's towpath, or simply relax and admire the beautiful surroundings.
  • Cité de l'Espace - Situated in Toulouse, the Cité de l'Espace is a space-themed park and museum. It offers interactive exhibits, planetarium shows, and a chance to explore life in space through various simulations and displays.
  • Basilica of St. Sernin - Found in Toulouse, the Basilica of St. Sernin is one of the largest remaining Romanesque churches in Europe. This architectural masterpiece attracts visitors with its impressive interior and stunning sculptures.
  • Airbus Factory Tour - In Toulouse, aviation enthusiasts can take a guided tour of the Airbus Factory to witness the production of commercial aircraft. The tour provides insights into the manufacturing process and showcases the technological advancements in the aerospace industry.
  • Château de Merville - Located in Merville, just a short distance from Villate, this 18th-century castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and offers guided tours. Visitors can explore the castle's elegant rooms and learn about its rich history.
  • Capitole de Toulouse - Situated in the heart of Toulouse, the Capitole de Toulouse is a historic building that houses the city hall and the Théâtre du Capitole. Its stunning architecture and grand interior make it a must-visit landmark.
  • Musée des Augustins - Found in Toulouse, this fine arts museum is housed in a former Augustinian monastery. It showcases a diverse collection of sculptures, paintings, and archaeological artifacts, spanning from ancient to contemporary art.
  • Pont Neuf - Located in Toulouse, the Pont Neuf is the oldest bridge in the city and a symbol of Toulouse's history. It offers picturesque views of the Garonne River and connects the historic city center with the left bank.
  • Place du Capitole - Situated in Toulouse, Place du Capitole is a vibrant square surrounded by beautiful architecture, shops, and cafes. It is a popular meeting point for locals and tourists, offering a lively atmosphere and occasional events. 10. Musée Aeroscopia - Found near Toulouse, this aerospace museum showcases a remarkable collection of aircraft and offers visitors a chance to learn about the history and evolution of aviation. The museum also includes a flight simulator for a hands-on experience. Please note that the travel times and distances may vary, and it is advisable to check the specific locations and their opening hours before visiting.

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