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Domaine de Sagnol
Gigors et Lozeron


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Description for B&B:

Join us for a delightful experience amidst a picturesque setting, where you can relish a delectable meal, refreshing drinks, and engaging activities. If you're feeling great, there's plenty more to explore! Our charming guest rooms offer a longer stay option, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance near our invigorating saltwater pool, while strolling through the stunning and untamed scenery.


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Located in the picturesque Parc of Vercors, it is approximately 35 kilometers away from Valence and 18 kilometers away from CREST. It can be reached within a 30-minute drive from Valence TGV station.



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extra bed
Holiday Home 1


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
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  • Dieulefit: Located just a short drive from Domaine de Sagnol, Dieulefit is a charming village known for its pottery and ceramics. Explore the narrow streets lined with workshops and boutiques, where you can admire and purchase beautiful handmade pottery pieces.
  • Crest Tower: Situated in the town of Crest, around 15 kilometers from Gigors et Lozeron, Crest Tower is the highest medieval keep in France. Climb to the top for panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, and learn about the tower's rich history through informative exhibits.
  • Château de Grignan: Approximately 40 kilometers from Domaine de Sagnol lies the magnificent Château de Grignan. This well-preserved Renaissance castle is renowned for its association with Madame de Sévigné, a famous French writer. Explore the opulent interiors, stroll through the beautiful gardens, and enjoy live performances in the summer months.
  • Pont-en-Royans: Located about 50 kilometers from Gigors et Lozeron, Pont-en-Royans is a picturesque village known for its colorful hanging houses and stunning location along the Bourne River. Take a leisurely walk across the medieval bridge, visit the water museum, and soak in the charming atmosphere.
  • Vercors Regional Natural Park: Situated to the west of Domaine de Sagnol, the Vercors Regional Natural Park offers breathtaking natural beauty. This protected area is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, offering various hiking trails, cycling routes, and rock climbing opportunities amidst stunning limestone cliffs, forests, and plateaus.
  • Valence: Just a short drive from Gigors et Lozeron, the city of Valence is worth a visit. Explore the historic old town with its narrow streets and colorful facades, visit the impressive Saint-Apollinaire Cathedral, and enjoy a stroll along the tree-lined avenues of Champ de Mars park.
  • Palais Ideal du Facteur Cheval: Around 60 kilometers from Domaine de Sagnol, the Palais Ideal du Facteur Cheval is a unique attraction in Hauterives. This extraordinary structure was built by Ferdinand Cheval, a rural postman, over a span of 33 years. Marvel at the intricate sculptures and architectural details that make this "Ideal Palace" a true work of art.
  • Nyons: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Gigors et Lozeron, Nyons is a charming Provençal town famous for its olive oil production. Explore the old town, visit the local market to sample regional products, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the surrounding olive groves.
  • Montélimar: Located around 45 kilometers from Domaine de Sagnol, Montélimar is known as the "world capital of nougat." Discover the secrets of nougat production at one of the many factories, wander through the historic center, and visit the Château des Adhémar, a medieval fortress turned contemporary art center. 10. Gorges de la Bourne: Approximately 40 kilometers from Gigors et Lozeron, the Gorges de la Bourne offer a spectacular natural setting. Drive or cycle along the winding road that passes through the deep limestone gorges, marvel at the impressive waterfalls, and enjoy the scenic viewpoints along the way.

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