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Le Bourg


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

Each room in the accommodation includes a private bathroom with a toilet and shower. The "family" room is suitable for 4 to 6 individuals. The bird room features a double bed for 2 guests. The flower room offers two single beds for individual use. The blue room, located on the ground floor, accommodates 2 guests. The yellow room provides two bunk beds and a double bed for 2 guests.

Description for Gite

The Pond Cottage is a charming accommodation that can comfortably accommodate up to 5 individuals. Situated right at the water's edge, the cottage features a closed terrace where guests can relax and enjoy the serene surroundings. The ground floor of the cottage encompasses a cozy lounge area and a well-equipped kitchen. On the first floor, there is a private closed room furnished with a spacious double bed. Additionally, the mezzanine floor offers three single beds, along with a bathroom complete with a shower and toilet facilities.


Appréciations pour Ferme du Château, Tresnay:

domaine de charme
Review by: Tranchant, Juin 18 2015 3:21PM
Très bon accueil, jolie chambre avec très bonne literie (neuve),nous avons profités de la piscine chauffée à 26° et nous relaxer au soleil après la baignade .Nous vous recommandons d'y séjourner .

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If you are traveling between Nevers and Moulins, you will find Tresnay village just 2 minutes to the west of the N7 road.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 65 79 25
(3 pers.)
2 105 145 25
Holiday Home 1 550 800


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


  • Château de Guédelon: Located approximately 20 kilometers from Le Bourg, the Château de Guédelon is a fascinating medieval-style castle under construction. Visitors can witness the traditional techniques and craftsmanship used to build this unique castle.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Morvan: Situated around 30 kilometers southeast of Le Bourg, this regional natural park offers stunning landscapes, including forests, lakes, and rolling hills. It is an ideal spot for hiking, cycling, and picnicking.
  • Caves of Arcy-sur-Cure: Roughly 50 kilometers northeast of Le Bourg, the Caves of Arcy-sur-Cure feature ancient prehistoric paintings and impressive rock formations. Guided tours take visitors through the caves, providing insights into their historical and geological significance.
  • Vézelay Abbey: Located approximately 55 kilometers west of Le Bourg, Vézelay Abbey is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a significant pilgrimage destination. The abbey's Romanesque architecture and rich history make it a must-visit attraction.
  • Nevers: Situated around 60 kilometers south of Le Bourg, Nevers is a charming city known for its beautiful historic buildings and the famous Nevers Cathedral. Visitors can explore the old town, stroll along the Loire River, and discover the city's rich pottery heritage.
  • Palais Ducal: Found in the city of Nevers, Palais Ducal is an impressive Renaissance-style palace. Visitors can admire its elegant architecture, explore the museum housed within, and enjoy the surrounding gardens.
  • Apremont-sur-Allier: Located approximately 70 kilometers southwest of Le Bourg, Apremont-sur-Allier is a picturesque village known for its exquisite floral gardens. The village also features a medieval castle and offers scenic walks along the Allier River.
  • Moulins: Situated around 80 kilometers southeast of Le Bourg, Moulins is a historic town renowned for its stunning cathedral and the National Center of Costume and Scenography. Visitors can immerse themselves in the town's cultural heritage and explore its charming streets.
  • Château de Sully-sur-Loire: Found approximately 100 kilometers northwest of Le Bourg, Château de Sully-sur-Loire is a magnificent fortress overlooking the Loire River. This well-preserved castle offers guided tours, beautiful gardens, and a chance to step back in time. 10. Gien: Situated around 110 kilometers northwest of Le Bourg, Gien is a delightful town famous for its fine porcelain production. Visitors can visit the Gien Porcelain Factory, explore the Château de Gien, and enjoy the scenic views along the Loire River.