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Inaiti Lodge
Aure Tahiti Polynesie Francaise


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Price per night:

price from €80


+689 87716740


+689 87731101


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  • Papeete Market: Located in Papeete, the capital city of French Polynesia, this vibrant market offers a wide range of local products, including fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, arts and crafts, and clothing. It's a great place to immerse yourself in the local culture and find unique souvenirs.
  • James Norman Hall Home: Situated in Arue, this historical site was the residence of James Norman Hall, an American author known for co-writing the novel "Mutiny on the Bounty." The house is now a museum showcasing his life and works, providing visitors with an insight into the literary history of the region.
  • Pointe Venus Lighthouse: Located on the northern coast of Tahiti, Pointe Venus Lighthouse is an iconic landmark offering stunning panoramic views of the ocean. The lighthouse itself has historical significance, as it played a crucial role in the exploration of the South Pacific by Captain James Cook.
  • Museum of Tahiti and the Islands: Situated in Punaauia, a short distance from Arue, this museum provides an in-depth understanding of Tahitian culture, history, and natural heritage. It showcases a diverse collection of artifacts, including traditional Polynesian crafts, archaeological exhibits, and informative displays about the islands' flora and fauna.
  • Mahana Park: Adjacent to the Museum of Tahiti and the Islands, Mahana Park offers a peaceful and picturesque setting for relaxation and leisure activities. The park features lush gardens, walking trails, picnic areas, and a small beach where visitors can enjoy the beautiful surroundings.
  • Vaipahi Gardens: Found in Mataiea, a short drive from Arue, Vaipahi Gardens is a tropical paradise boasting an abundance of exotic plants, flowers, and waterfalls. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll through the gardens and admire the diverse flora, making it an ideal spot for nature lovers and photographers.
  • Arahoho Blowhole: Located along the eastern coast of Tahiti, near Papenoo, this natural wonder is a must-see attraction. The blowhole is formed by powerful waves crashing against the volcanic cliffs, creating an impressive spectacle as water shoots high into the air. It's a popular spot for photographers and nature enthusiasts.
  • Fautaua Waterfall: Situated in Papeete's lush valley, Fautaua Waterfall is a majestic cascade surrounded by stunning rainforest scenery. To reach the waterfall, visitors can embark on a moderate hike through the verdant vegetation, making it a rewarding adventure for outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Marae Arahurahu Temple: Located in Paea, a short distance from Arue, this ancient temple complex is a significant cultural and historical site. The marae, or sacred Polynesian meeting grounds, offers a glimpse into traditional Tahitian religious practices and rituals, providing visitors with a unique cultural experience. 10. Pointe Atihei: Situated on the western coast of Tahiti, near Punaauia, Pointe Atihei offers breathtaking panoramic views of the island's coastline and the crystal-clear waters of the Pacific Ocean. It's a fantastic spot to watch the sunset and enjoy the natural beauty of Tahiti. Please note that some attractions may have specific visiting hours or require prior reservations, so it's advisable to check the availability and any restrictions before planning your visit.