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Pinel Joseph & Irène
Montesquieu Lauragais


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €55




Description for B&B:

In the landlord, you will find various rooms with different features and capacities. Firstly, there is the room called "North" which can accommodate 1-2 people. It has its own private bathroom and a terrace that offers a magnificent view of the surroundings.

Next, there is the room labeled as "East" which can accommodate 1-3 people. This room boasts a luxurious bathroom with a Jacuzzi and a mezzanine for added space and comfort.

Moving upstairs, above the reception area, you will find the charming "pool" room, also referred to as the "bridal chamber". It can accommodate 1-3 people and is elegantly decorated with a nautical theme. This room offers a stunning view of the pool and is facing south.

Adjacent to the pool room is the "Garden" room, which has twin beds and can accommodate 1-4 people. Just like the pool room, it also overlooks the south direction but offers a view of the beautiful garden.

Lastly, there is the "Family" room which consists of a "Parents" bedroom that can accommodate 2-3 people, and a separate "Children" room with twin beds for 1-2 people. Both rooms are equipped with the highest level of comfort, featuring full bathrooms and private facilities.

All of these rooms have been awarded a 3-ear comfort rating, ensuring a pleasant and relaxing stay for guests.

Description for Gite

The region is proud to offer two charming vacation accommodations, both rated 3 stars by the Prefecture. The first is a spacious 65m2 studio or loft, elegantly furnished and equipped with modern amenities including a fully functional kitchen, a vibrant color TV with a DVD player, a CD player, and more. With its generous 25m2 mezzanine, this delightful retreat can comfortably accommodate up to 6 guests. The second option consists of two well-appointed ground floor rooms, thoughtfully designed for the comfort of 4 individuals.


Appréciations pour Maison d'Hôtes de Bigot, Montesquieu Lauragais:

Review by: Undritz-Arbet Francoise et Nils, Aou 19 2013 5:14PM
Très jolies chambres d'hôtes décorées avec beaucoup de goût; pas étonnant Irène est une artiste. Excellent accueil par Irène et son mari. Une étape indispensable le Long du Canal du Midi.

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To reach the field of Bigot, which is situated close to the village of Villenouvelle, follow these directions. The most convenient route is through the village itself, which can be accessed via the RN113 road. Upon entering the village, continue straight until you reach the Citroen garage Bigot. Turn right onto the road opposite the garage to access the field.

To reach Villenouvelle, take the A61 highway towards Toulouse if you are coming from Narbonne. Take the exit for VILLEFRANCHE LAURAGAIS and follow the signs for TOULOUSE Villenouvelle on the RN113 road.

For GPS navigation, enter "Villenouvelle Bigot" as your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 55 70 350 440 15 oui
(3 pers.)
3 75 90 475 550 15 oui
Notes: Options
Notes: Options


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Canal du Midi: Located just south of Bigot, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This historic canal offers picturesque views and is perfect for leisurely walks, boat rides, or cycling along the towpath.
  • Château de Montgeard: Situated in the neighboring village of Montgeard, this beautiful castle dates back to the 16th century. Visitors can explore its well-preserved architecture and surrounding gardens, providing a glimpse into the region's rich history.
  • Abbaye-école de Sorèze: Located in the town of Sorèze, a short drive from Bigot, this former Benedictine abbey is now a prestigious school and cultural center. The abbey's stunning architecture, museum, and art exhibitions attract tourists interested in history and culture.
  • Revel Market: The market in Revel, a charming town near Bigot, is famous for its vibrant atmosphere and diverse offerings. Visitors can stroll through the bustling stalls, taste local delicacies, and purchase fresh produce, crafts, clothing, and more.
  • Lac de Saint-Ferréol: Situated in the Montagne Noire, this artificial lake offers a picturesque setting for outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, boating, fishing, or simply relax on the sandy beaches while admiring the surrounding natural beauty.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Papoul: Located in the village of Saint-Papoul, this medieval abbey is a captivating historical landmark. Visitors can explore its impressive architecture, visit the museum, and wander through the peaceful gardens.
  • Musée et Jardins du Canal du Midi: Situated in the village of Saint-Ferréol, this museum provides insights into the construction and history of the Canal du Midi. The adjacent gardens offer a tranquil space to relax and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding landscape.
  • Cité de Carcassonne: While slightly further away, the fortified city of Carcassonne is worth a visit. This UNESCO World Heritage Site boasts well-preserved medieval walls, stunning architecture, and a vibrant atmosphere with shops, restaurants, and cultural events.
  • Église Saint-Martin de Nailloux: Located in the nearby village of Nailloux, this Romanesque church is a hidden gem. Its intricate stone carvings and ancient history make it a fascinating site for history enthusiasts. 10. Musée du Pastel: Situated in the town of Loubens-Lauragais, this museum showcases the history and significance of pastel, a blue dye derived from the woad plant. Visitors can learn about the traditional dyeing process and its impact on the region's economy and culture. These tourist attractions offer a variety of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural landscapes, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and heritage of the region surrounding Bigot, Montesquieu Lauragais.

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