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Coutin Delphine et Desprez Jean-Paul
Le Grand Villouët
Dol De Bretagne



3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

Experience the cozy and delightful ambiance of our five charming bedrooms, perfect for accommodating 2 to 3 people. Each room offers a private WC and bathroom for your convenience. Welcome to La Cabane, your garden oasis for a restful and unforgettable stay.


Appréciations pour Le Jardin de Coramille, Dol De Bretagne:

Review by: Caroline, Juil 13 2014 6:56PM
Merci à Delphine pour son accueil, sa gentillesse, sa disponibilité et sa discrétion. La roulotte est super joliment décorée, le jardin est tout aussi beau, l'endroit est très paisible et charmant. Le petit déjeuner est tout simplement à tomber par terre, un vrai régal! Un excellent séjour en famille.
un endroit sublime
Review by: ESTHER, Sep 7 2013 4:17PM
très belle chambre, au calme, petit dejeuner royal, du soleil, que demandez de mieux ?
soggiorno stupendo
Review by: Luca Battaglio, Juin 22 2013 2:16PM
Abbiamo alloggiato per 3 notti nella camera Nordique. Pulizia e accoglienza impeccabili, la proprietaria estremamente gentile e disponibile. La colazione, servita in un contesto splendido, molto varia ed abbondante, con prodotti tipici.

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To reach Fougères/La Boussac from Dol de Bretagne, follow the D 155 road and turn right onto the second road.



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extra bed
Notes: no smoking
Notes: no smoking




  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located just 10 kilometers away from Le Grand Villouët, Mont Saint-Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of France's most iconic landmarks. This medieval abbey is perched atop a rocky island and surrounded by picturesque views of the sea and surrounding countryside.
  • Dol de Bretagne Cathedral: Situated in the town of Dol-de-Bretagne itself, this stunning cathedral dates back to the 13th century and features a unique blend of Gothic and Romanesque architectural styles. Visitors can admire its beautiful stained glass windows and intricate stone carvings.
  • Château de Combourg: Just a short drive from Le Grand Villouët, the Château de Combourg is an impressive castle that once served as the childhood home of renowned French writer François-René de Chateaubriand. Visitors can explore its grand rooms, picturesque gardens, and learn about the castle's historical significance.
  • Pointe du Grouin du Sud: Situated along the rugged coastline, this scenic viewpoint offers breathtaking panoramic views of the English Channel and the surrounding cliffs. It's an ideal spot for nature lovers, photographers, and those seeking a peaceful coastal walk.
  • Barrage de la Rance: Located around 10 kilometers south of Dol-de-Bretagne, this tidal power station is an impressive engineering feat. Visitors can learn about how tidal energy is harnessed and enjoy the stunning views of the Rance River estuary from the visitor center.
  • Saint-Malo: Just a 20-minute drive from Le Grand Villouët, the walled city of Saint-Malo is a popular tourist destination. With its historic ramparts, charming old town, and beautiful sandy beaches, Saint-Malo offers a mix of cultural and seaside attractions.
  • Cap Fréhel: Situated on the Emerald Coast, Cap Fréhel is a dramatic headland known for its striking cliffs, lighthouses, and panoramic views of the sea. Visitors can explore the coastal trails, visit the lighthouse, and enjoy the natural beauty of the area.
  • Dinan: Located approximately 30 minutes from Le Grand Villouët, the medieval town of Dinan is known for its well-preserved half-timbered houses, cobbled streets, and ancient ramparts. It's a charming place to wander, shop for local crafts, and enjoy the medieval atmosphere.
  • Cobac Parc: If you're traveling with children, Cobac Parc is a fun-filled amusement park located in Lanhélin, just a short drive from Dol-de-Bretagne. It offers a variety of rides, water attractions, and activities for all ages, making it a great family-friendly option. 10. Cancale: Famous for its oyster farming, Cancale is a picturesque fishing village known for its seafood restaurants and stunning coastal scenery. Visitors can sample fresh oysters, explore the charming streets, and enjoy the scenic views of the bay. These attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural beauty and family-friendly activities, ensuring there is something for everyone near Le Grand Villouët.

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