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Mark & Sholu Tooms
Le Village
Saint-Sever de Rustan



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Price per night:

price from €49






Description for B&B:

Mark and Sholu warmly welcome you to Maison Bonne La Vie, where we strive to ensure your stay is nothing short of extraordinary. Our priority is your comfort and satisfaction throughout your visit.

You have the option to simply indulge in the luxurious beds and savor our delightful homemade breakfasts in the tranquil atmosphere of our secluded garden. Alternatively, you can explore the attractions of the village, such as the picturesque green banks adorned with picnic tables along the scenic river Arros, or pay a visit to the enchanting 12th century abbey. For dining options, you can enjoy a meal at the bistro du pays or let us prepare a delectable evening meal for you with a 24-hour notice.

We offer a variety of rooms to suit your needs:
- The Pink Room: A cozy double room
- The Blue Room: A comfortable twin room
- The Pink and Blue rooms share a modern shower room and toilet
- The Suite: Perfect for 2-4 guests, this room overlooks the garden and boasts private facilities
- The Library: A peaceful single room with bathroom facilities downstairs

In addition to your beautiful accommodations, guests have access to our welcoming salon and dining room as needed. Stay connected with our complimentary WiFi, indulge in our library of books and DVDs, and enjoy television in English, French, or German.

For your convenience, we can arrange transportation for you if you are arriving at Tarbes train station, Pau airport, or Lourdes airport.


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To reach Abbey St Sever de Rustan, follow these travel directions:

1. Take Exit A64 at Tournay.
2. After passing through the toll gate, take the second exit at the roundabout towards Tournay.
3. Drive for about a mile until you reach another roundabout.
4. Take the second exit onto Bordes, and look out for signs indicating Abbey St Sever de Rustan.
5. Follow the signs for the abbey and/or Villecomtal.
6. After approximately 3km, make a right turn onto Board.
7. Continue straight and take a right turn at the store.
8. After about 200m, take the second exit at the roundabout towards Villecomtal.
9. Follow this road for about 15 miles until you reach a village called Chelle Debate.
10. Once you cross a small bridge near the church, take the first left.
11. Keep going until you reach a Stop sign, where you will see a bistro called the Old Country Inn diagonally across from you.
12. Continue straight for about 8 km towards Villecomtal, passing through a village called Laméac.
13. St Sever is approximately 3 km after Laméac.
14. At the crossroads at the entrance to St Sever, turn left.
15. The second house on the right, with blue shutters, is where you will find us.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: + 1 single room at €39
Notes: suite 2-4 people


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Mauvezin: Located about 8 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan, Château de Mauvezin is a stunning medieval castle perched on a hilltop. The castle offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and features a museum showcasing its history and architecture.
  • Grottes de Médous: Situated approximately 15 kilometers away, Grottes de Médous are a network of underground caves known for their impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations. Guided tours allow visitors to explore these natural wonders and learn about their geological significance.
  • Abbaye de l'Escaladieu: Around 20 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan, Abbaye de l'Escaladieu is a well-preserved Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can admire the beautiful Gothic architecture, stroll through the peaceful gardens, and learn about the abbey's intriguing history.
  • Musée Massey: Located in Tarbes, approximately 25 kilometers away, Musée Massey is a fascinating museum set within a picturesque park. It houses an extensive collection of art, historical artifacts, and botanical displays. The museum also hosts regular exhibitions and cultural events.
  • Pic du Midi de Bigorre: Situated about 60 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan, Pic du Midi de Bigorre is a renowned mountain peak in the Pyrenees. Visitors can reach the summit via cable car and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. The site also features an observatory housing a museum and an astronomical observatory.
  • Lourdes: Roughly 60 kilometers away, the town of Lourdes is a major pilgrimage site for Catholics worldwide. It is famous for the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, where the Virgin Mary is believed to have appeared to a young girl in 1858. The sanctuary attracts millions of visitors each year who come to seek spiritual solace and explore the religious sites.
  • Parc Animalier des Pyrénées: Situated around 65 kilometers from Saint-Sever de Rustan, this wildlife park offers a unique opportunity to observe and learn about various animals native to the Pyrenees region. Visitors can see bears, wolves, lynx, chamois, and many other species in their natural habitat.
  • Cirque de Gavarnie: Located approximately 80 kilometers away, Cirque de Gavarnie is a natural amphitheater and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The stunning waterfall, Gavarnie Falls, cascades down the cliffs, creating a breathtaking spectacle. Hiking trails allow visitors to explore the area and enjoy the majestic mountain scenery. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical sites and natural wonders to immersing in art and culture.