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22 Rue de la poste


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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

- Topaz Room: Accommodates 2 persons
- Room for 3 persons
- Opal Louise Room: Perfect for 5 persons
- Room for 4 in Mills


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To reach Monnières, a town located on county D7, follow these travel directions: Starting from Poitiers, take the lead and exit at No. 2b. Then, follow the signs for "the Pallet." Once you pass the village of "the Crox Moriceau," continue for 3 km and make a right turn towards Monnières.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 55 105 oui
(3 pers.)
3 63 oui


Credit cards accepted


  • Château de Goulaine: Located just 8 kilometers away, Château de Goulaine is a beautiful castle known for its stunning architecture and picturesque gardens. It also houses a museum showcasing the history of the castle and the Goulaine family.
  • Musée du Vignoble Nantais: Situated 12 kilometers from Rue de la poste, this museum is dedicated to the history and culture of the Nantes vineyard. Visitors can learn about winemaking techniques, taste local wines, and explore the vineyard's scenic surroundings.
  • Le Jardin des Kangourous: Approximately 15 kilometers away, this unique attraction offers the opportunity to get up close and personal with kangaroos. Visitors can feed and interact with these adorable creatures, making it a fun and memorable experience for families and animal lovers.
  • Parc de la Garenne Lemot: Located around 18 kilometers from Monnières, this park is a haven for nature enthusiasts. It features beautiful gardens, sculptures, and walking trails along the banks of the Sèvre Nantaise River. The park's serene ambiance makes it a perfect spot for a relaxing picnic.
  • Machines de l'Île: Situated in Nantes, approximately 20 kilometers away, this captivating attraction combines mechanical art, fantasy, and engineering. Visitors can witness gigantic moving creatures, such as a mechanical elephant, walk along the streets. It's a truly unique and whimsical experience.
  • Nantes Cathedral: Found in the heart of Nantes, about 21 kilometers from Rue de la poste, this impressive Gothic cathedral is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts. The cathedral showcases stunning stained glass windows and intricate details, making it an architectural marvel.
  • Château des ducs de Bretagne: Located within the historic center of Nantes, approximately 21 kilometers away, this well-preserved castle was once the residence of the Dukes of Brittany. Nowadays, it serves as a museum, offering exhibitions on the history of Nantes and the castle itself.
  • Passage Pommeraye: Situated in the center of Nantes, about 21 kilometers away, this elegant shopping arcade is a delight for shopaholics and architecture admirers alike. With its stunning spiral staircase, beautiful shops, and charming atmosphere, it offers a unique shopping experience.
  • Île de Versailles: Located in the heart of Nantes, around 22 kilometers away, this small island on the Erdre River is a serene oasis within the city. It features a Japanese garden, a botanical garden, and picturesque walking paths, making it a perfect escape from the urban hustle and bustle. 10. Jardin des Plantes: Situated in Nantes, approximately 23 kilometers away, this botanical garden is one of the oldest in France. It boasts a vast collection of plants, including rare species, and offers a peaceful setting for a leisurely stroll or a picnic. These attractions near Rue de la poste in Monnières offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring castles and museums to enjoying nature and unique art installations.