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Marie-pascale Lasausse
25 Le Cougou


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Price per night:

price from €56






Description for B&B:

There are three bedrooms available for booking.

The first bedroom, called "Sun," offers a lovely view of the garden and has an old-style campaign decor. It features a comfortable double bed and a private bathroom with a sink, bath, and dry toilet. The room rate is 48, which includes breakfast for two.

The second bedroom, named "Marine," faces the street and the chapel of St. Anne, providing a picturesque view of the surrounding nature. It has two twin beds and a private bathroom similar to the one in the sun room. The price for two people is 46, but if an additional bed is required, the rate increases to 58.

Situated between the other two rooms, the third bedroom, called "Indian," offers a unique view of the old primary school. This family room can accommodate up to six people, with a double bed, a bunk bed, and a bed above the bunk bed. The room has a shower, sink, and a separate dry toilet, which is separated by a curtain. The rate for two people is 44, and each additional person incurs a charge of 12.


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Start by heading towards Rennes and then continue towards Redon. From there, proceed towards St Nazaire and La Baule. After approximately 14 kilometers from St Nicolas de Redon, make a left turn opposite the bar named "in Michael" to reach Guenrouet. Once you are about 4 kilometers into the journey, you will find "Exçarêve" located in The Cougou, right across from the Chapel of St. Anne.

If you are coming from Nantes, follow the directions towards Pontchâteau Vannes, Redon, and St Gildas the woods. Once you reach the end of St Gildas, turn left towards Guenrouët and continue for about one kilometer until you reach the Cougou. Look for the big white house with blue accents named "Exçarêve," which is situated across from St Anne's Chapel. The address is No. 25.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 56
(3 pers.)
1 55 15
Notes: room for six


Animals Allowed


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