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Christelle Bilotte
600 chemin de chateau vert


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price from €85





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Description for B&B:

House Parmeliane is filled with a sunny atmosphere, providing a spacious room of 28 m2 with a comfortable 160x200 cm bed. The warm and Provencal colors add a cozy touch. The bathroom features a luxurious walk-in shower tiled in marble, along with a private toilet.

The House Luminiane offers a rustic ambiance with a generous 26 m2 room and a comfortable 160x200 cm bed. The soothing colors of green almonds create a relaxing atmosphere. The bathroom includes a large shower and a private toilet with a jet feature.

The Roseliane Room showcases an ancient atmosphere, providing a spacious 25 m2 room with a comfortable 160x200 cm bed. The natural colors and polished plaster walls give a touch of elegance. The bathroom features an anthracitea large walk-in shower and a private toilet.

The House Framboliane creates a romantic ambiance, offering a spacious 27 m2 room with a comfortable 160x200 cm bed. The cheerful and warm room is enhanced by blue, white, and raspberry colors. The bathroom is adorned with soothing beige colors, a large shower, and a private toilet with a jet feature.


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To reach Palumiane, take the Montelimar south exit on the highway and follow the orange signs. At the second roundabout, continue towards Grignan and follow the signs for Cricket. Then, proceed towards Valréas and Visan. As you approach the end of Valréas towards Orange, walk for 5 km and you will spot a cave known as "The Tenants of the Papal Enclaves" on your left. Drive another 200 m and turn right at the sign for Palumiane Farm. From there, always follow the left panel to access Palumiane on the left.



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(2 pers.)
4 85 95 20 oui


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  • Château de Suze-la-Rousse: Located about 24 km east of Visan, this medieval castle is known for its impressive architecture and rich history. It now houses a wine university and offers guided tours of its magnificent interiors and beautiful gardens.
  • Pont d'Avignon (Pont Saint-Bénézet): Situated approximately 47 km northwest of Visan, this famous bridge spans the Rhône River in Avignon. Built in the 12th century, it was originally part of a much longer structure. Visitors can explore the bridge, enjoy panoramic views of the city, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Palais des Papes: Found in Avignon, around 47 km northwest of Visan, this grand palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It served as the residence of the popes during the 14th century and is considered one of the most significant medieval Gothic buildings in Europe. Explore its impressive halls, chapels, and courtyards, and learn about its historical and cultural significance.
  • Vaison-la-Romaine: Located approximately 10 km northeast of Visan, this ancient Roman town offers a unique glimpse into the past. Explore the archaeological site of Puymin for a well-preserved Roman neighborhood, visit the Roman Theater for performances and exhibitions, and stroll through the charming medieval village with its narrow streets and historic buildings.
  • Mont Ventoux: Standing about 28 km south of Visan, Mont Ventoux is a renowned mountain in the Provence region. It is popular among cyclists and hikers for its challenging trails and breathtaking views from the summit. Whether you prefer to drive, bike, or hike, experiencing the panoramic vistas from Mont Ventoux is a must for nature enthusiasts.
  • Les Gorges de l'Ardèche: Situated approximately 75 km northeast of Visan, this natural wonder offers stunning landscapes and outdoor activities. The Ardèche River has carved impressive limestone cliffs and gorges, providing opportunities for canoeing, kayaking, and swimming. Enjoy scenic drives along the river, visit the Pont d'Arc natural bridge, or hike through the picturesque surroundings.
  • Grignan Castle (Château de Grignan): Located about 29 km southeast of Visan, this Renaissance castle is perched on a hilltop and offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Explore its elegant rooms, beautiful gardens, and the famous "secret garden." The castle is also known for its connection to Madame de Sévigné, a famous French writer.
  • Nyons: Found approximately 14 km northwest of Visan, this charming Provençal town is known for its olive groves and production of olive oil. Explore the narrow streets, visit the local market, and taste the delicious regional products. The town also boasts a medieval bridge, a Romanesque church, and stunning views of the surrounding landscapes. These attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical sites and castles to enjoying natural wonders and picturesque towns, all within a reasonable distance from Visan.

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