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Hélène Peeters Leroy
La Torlière


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75






Description for B&B:

La Torlière presents guests with a choice of 2 bedrooms, each featuring its own private bathroom, as well as a luxurious suite. These accommodations are adorned with tasteful decor, exuding brightness and spaciousness, while offering a stunning view of the surrounding grounds. Guests can enjoy a delightful breakfast served either in the elegant dining room or out on the terrace, basking in the warm sunshine.


Appréciations pour La Torlière, Pointel:

A wonderful stay
Review by: The Young family, Ireland, Juin 6 2015 11:26PM
We stayed here last summer (2014) and were made to feel so welcome and so much a part of the family. The house and grounds are beautiful, the area picturesque. Hosts were lovely: talented, charming and interesting
Review by: le Quement, Dec 28 2014 11:47AM
Un bonjour de Ville d'Avray,
Nous reprenons le travail sans heurt et sans douleur grâce à notre très
agréable "séjour en transit" dans votre belle maison, et à la rencontre de
vos merveilleuses personnes. ah! L'Orne!
Nos salutations respectueuses.

Hélène et Henri Pierre le Quement
Thank you!!
Review by: Elena Kozyreva, Aou 15 2014 12:41AM
Dear Helene,
We have arrived home and still remember You, your nice family and so warm atmosphere of your home!
Thank you very much for no forgettable days we have spend in your lovely home with your family.
We'll never forget this and dreaming to come back again!
Please forward our best regards to Marion and Orlette.
With love,

La Torliere
Review by: renée hulsman, Juin 23 2012 10:36PM
This is the best chambres d'hotes we have ever stayed at.A lovely house in a beautiful garden, a fantastic host who gave us a warm welcome and prepared a great meal. We felt like family and were to sorry to leave so soon.The rooms and bathrooms are spacious and clean and all the pets were wonderful.
Love to come back one day. creatures.

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When you reach BRIOUZE, continue on the D20 towards La Ferté Macé.
After traveling 3 km, you will find La Torlière on the right side.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 75 85 oui


Animals Allowed


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  • Bagnoles-de-l'Orne: A charming spa town known for its healing thermal waters, Bagnoles-de-l'Orne is ideal for relaxation. Enjoy a stroll along the lake, visit the elegant Belle Époque-style casino, or indulge in the town's renowned spa treatments.
  • Domfront: This medieval town is perched on a hilltop and boasts stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Explore its narrow streets, visit the imposing ruins of the feudal castle, and admire the Romanesque architecture of the Church of Saint-Julien.
  • Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei: Often referred to as one of the most beautiful villages in France, Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei is a picturesque village nestled in a river valley. Wander through its charming streets, visit the 11th-century Romanesque church, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this idyllic spot.
  • Alençon: Known for its rich heritage of lace-making, Alençon offers a fascinating look into the intricate craft. Visit the Museum of Fine Arts and Lace, stroll through the historic center with its timber-framed houses, and admire the impressive Notre-Dame Basilica.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Although a bit farther away, Mont Saint-Michel is worth the visit. This iconic island commune is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is famous for its medieval abbey perched atop a rocky outcrop. Marvel at the stunning architecture, explore the narrow streets, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Sées Cathedral: Located in Sées, this magnificent Gothic cathedral is a testament to the region's architectural heritage. Admire the intricate stained glass windows, the towering spires, and the grand interior. Don't miss the opportunity to climb the bell tower for panoramic views.
  • Haras du Pin: Known as the "Versailles of the Horse," Haras du Pin is a prestigious national stud farm. Discover the world of horse breeding, attend equestrian shows, and explore the beautiful grounds with its stables and gardens.
  • Lassay-les-Châteaux: This small town is home to not one but two castles. The Château de Lassay is an impressive medieval fortress, while the Château de Bois Thibault is a charming Renaissance-style castle. Explore their grounds, learn about their history, and enjoy the scenic surroundings. 10. Mayenne: Located on the banks of the Mayenne River, the town of Mayenne offers a mix of history and natural beauty. Visit the imposing Château de Mayenne, stroll along the river promenade, and explore the charming old town with its half-timbered houses.

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