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Christine & Albert Dubaux
9 rue st martin



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

Come experience the high quality of life in our stunning green department with its diverse landscapes! Prepare to be amazed by the ever-changing scenery and unique architecture, found only in this region. Our eco-friendly house, made entirely of untreated wood from sustainably managed forests, was lovingly built by its owner, following the golden rule of construction. We have implemented various green initiatives, such as rainwater recovery, thermodynamic water heating, and a double-flow ventilation system, all to minimize our impact on the environment. Additionally, we use only environmentally friendly cleaning products and separate our waste for proper disposal. We are excited to share our extraordinary concept, as well as our eco-conscious lifestyle choices, with you. We grow our own vegetables without any treatments, and our organic fruit is used to make delicious homemade apple juice and jams. We offer two comfortable rooms on the first floor, each with a 140-sized bed and a private bathroom. We can also provide a cot upon request. There is a children's room available on the ground floor as well. Adjacent to the bedrooms, you will find a cozy mezzanine, a lounge area, a library, and wireless internet access. We invite you to join us in our spacious living room, where you can relax and unwind. Our house is ideally located on the outskirts of Verdun, near the historic Battle Field and at the foot of the picturesque Cotes de Meuse. This area is known for its beautiful plum orchards and offers stunning walks, including a route to Lake Madine through Bonzée and the Mallard. We are also conveniently situated within an hour's drive from Metz and Nancy, the regional capitals, as well as Belgium, Luxembourg, and the popular thermal station of Amnéville, which features a zoo and an indoor ski slope. We can also recommend various local activities, such as a tree climbing park, a sensory barefoot path, canoeing on the Meuse River, cycling trails, a corn maze, and cultural experiences like museum visits and the Sound & Light show "From Flames to Light." You can also explore the pottery traditions of Argonne or visit a local candy factory to witness the production of traditional French dragees. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing the beauty and richness of our region with you.


Appréciations pour L'Edénière de Crist'al, ABAUCOURT-Hautecourt:

Un séjour inoubliable !
Review by: lavignol, Juin 5 2012 12:57PM
Venus pour 2 nuits, nous sommes restés une nuit de plus... votre maison est absolument géniale, lumineuse, chaleureuse, et on en oublie le temps. Merci pour votre excellent accueil, votre sourire et votre dynamisme. On n'oubliera pas non plus votre cours d'histoire si intéressant sur la région, et nos visites très émouvantes. Région agréablement vallonée où la nature est reine, les ptits restos sympas et au bon rapport qualité prix. En 3 jours, on a découvert une soucoupe (pas) volante et un village gaulois !
Bonne réussite à vous et félicitations pour votre superbe réalisation

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If you are coming from Paris or Strasbourg, take the A4 exit for Fresnes en Woëvre. Follow the signs for TIN VERDUN D903 and continue through the village of Abaucourt, turning left. If you are coming from the Benelux, take the D903 towards the TIN VERDUN intersection. Turn left after passing through the village of Abaucourt. If you are coming from VERDUN, continue on the road until you pass EIX-Abaucourt. Once you reach Abaucourt, turn right at the entrance of the village.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 80 € 1 night 2 persons, 70 €/night for 2 or 3 nights




  • Verdun Battlefield (14 km) - One of the most significant landmarks of World War I, the Verdun Battlefield is a historic site where a major battle took place. Visitors can explore the trenches, forts, and monuments while learning about the history of the battle.
  • Douaumont Ossuary (14.5 km) - Located near the Verdun Battlefield, the Douaumont Ossuary is a memorial containing the remains of French and German soldiers who died during the Battle of Verdun. It serves as a reminder of the devastating consequences of war.
  • Citadelle de Montmédy (29 km) - Situated on a rocky hill, the Citadelle de Montmédy is a well-preserved fortress dating back to the 16th century. Visitors can take guided tours to discover its history and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Lac de Madine (31 km) - A popular recreational area, Lac de Madine is a large lake surrounded by picturesque landscapes. Visitors can engage in various water activities like swimming, boating, and fishing. The lake also has several walking trails and picnic spots.
  • Saint-Mihiel American Cemetery and Memorial (34 km) - This memorial site honors the American soldiers who lost their lives in World War I. Visitors can pay their respects at the cemetery, which features rows of white crosses and a memorial chapel.
  • Château de Cons-la-Grandville (39 km) - The Château de Cons-la-Grandville is an elegant castle with a rich history dating back to the 17th century. It offers guided tours where visitors can explore its grand halls, gardens, and learn about its significance in the region.
  • Château de Hattonchâtel (40 km) - Nestled on a hilltop, the Château de Hattonchâtel is a stunning medieval castle known for its picturesque setting and panoramic views. Visitors can wander through its gardens, visit the chapel, and admire the well-preserved architecture.
  • Centre Pompidou-Metz (61 km) - Located in the neighboring city of Metz, the Centre Pompidou-Metz is a contemporary art museum featuring modern exhibitions and unique architectural design. It showcases a wide range of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, and installations.
  • Metz Cathedral (64 km) - A masterpiece of Gothic architecture, Metz Cathedral is a striking religious landmark in Metz. Visitors can marvel at its intricate stained glass windows, imposing towers, and stunning interior. The cathedral also offers guided tours to learn about its history. 10. Place Stanislas (64 km) - Situated in the heart of Nancy, Place Stanislas is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a stunning example of 18th-century architecture. It features a grand square adorned with ornate statues, elegant buildings, and beautiful fountains, making it a must-visit attraction.

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