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Les Citronniers - Tornac


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price from €60






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Discover two spacious rooms within a charming, character-filled house nestled at the foot of the Cevennes mountains. Located just 5 km away from the bustling tourist town of Anduze, you'll have easy access to exciting attractions such as the enchanting giant bamboo plantation at Prafrance. Explore the picturesque Cevennes valleys aboard a scenic tourist train or immerse yourself in the captivating history of the Huguenots by visiting the Musée du Désert in a quaint, traditional hamlet.

Description for Gite

This gite offers two ground floor rooms with separate entrances, providing privacy and convenience. Located at the back of the house, they offer picturesque views of the olive tree-covered hill and the garden.

Each room spans 20m2 and features a comfortable 140 bed, along with a private bathroom and toilet. Additionally, both rooms are equipped with a convenient kitchenette. Outside, guests can enjoy an outdoor area complete with a cozy garden lounge.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 64 oui
Holiday Home 2 350 350




  • Bamboo Garden of Prafrance: Located in Générargues, just a short drive from Les Citronniers, this stunning botanical garden is home to over 200 varieties of bamboo. Explore the lush greenery, picturesque pathways, and serene ponds to experience the tranquility and beauty of this unique attraction.
  • La Bambouseraie en Cévennes: Situated in Générargues, this remarkable bamboo plantation is not only a tourist attraction but also a recognized botanical garden. Spanning over 34 acres, it offers a captivating blend of exotic plants, bamboo groves, water features, and enchanting landscapes. Take a leisurely walk through the gardens, visit the museum, or enjoy a picnic in this peaceful setting.
  • Train à Vapeur des Cévennes: Located in Anduze, this heritage steam train takes visitors on a nostalgic journey through the picturesque Cévennes National Park. Enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes, quaint villages, and the famous Gardon River. The train ride offers a unique opportunity to travel back in time and experience the charm of old-fashioned railway travel.
  • Musée du Désert: Situated in Mialet, a short distance from Tornac, this museum is dedicated to the history of the Protestant Reformation and the Camisard resistance in the Cévennes region. Explore the exhibits, learn about the struggles and triumphs of the Huguenots, and gain insights into the religious and cultural heritage of the area.
  • La Grotte de Trabuc: Located in Mialet, this magnificent underground cave system is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts. Embark on a guided tour to discover stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations, underground waterfalls, and vast chambers. The knowledgeable guides provide fascinating insights into the geological wonders of this hidden world.
  • Pont du Gard: Situated near Remoulins, this ancient Roman aqueduct is a UNESCO World Heritage site and an architectural marvel. Marvel at the well-preserved structure, admire the Roman engineering prowess, and enjoy the scenic surroundings. Take a walk along the aqueduct or swim in the nearby river for a memorable experience.
  • Musée du Bonbon Haribo: Located in Uzès, this museum is a delight for candy lovers of all ages. Discover the history of the famous Haribo brand, learn about the candy-making process, and enjoy interactive exhibits. The museum also offers a chance to taste a wide variety of Haribo sweets.
  • Uzès: This charming medieval town, situated near Tornac, is known for its rich history and architectural beauty. Explore the narrow winding streets, visit the impressive Uzès Cathedral, and admire the well-preserved medieval buildings. Don't miss the vibrant Saturday market, where you can find local produce, crafts, and traditional delicacies. These attractions near Les Citronniers offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural wonders and historical sites to cultural museums and charming towns. Whether you're interested in nature, history, or simply enjoying the beauty of the region, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

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