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Frédéric Laffitte
9 Bis Chemin de Gojousse
Vieille Toulouse


6 reviews

Price per night:

price from €374






Description for B&B:

Experience the perfect blend of country charm and convenient proximity to Toulouse, whether you're traveling for business or pleasure. Villa Carpe Diem Tolosa is ideally located just 8km from Toulouse, in a desirable village that is only a 20-minute drive from the airport and railway station.

Choose from one of four charming rooms in the main house, or opt for the fully equipped self-catering accommodation in the west wing, which can comfortably accommodate 4-6 people. Every aspect of our property has been meticulously designed to ensure that you can truly savor every moment of your stay.

Start your day with a delicious breakfast on the terrace, while admiring the breathtaking sunrise over the surrounding slopes. Take a refreshing swim in our heated swim spa, available year-round, before indulging in a leisurely lunch at the nearby golf course restaurant. Unwind and soak up the sun on the beautiful ipe deck, or explore the 300 miles of scenic trails in the Toulouse countryside, if you prefer a bike ride along the enchanting Canal du Midi.

In the evening, delight in a memorable dinner at the prestigious Place du Capitole or in one of the charming restaurants at Saint-Georges Square. Finally, relax and enjoy the sunset in the comfort of our cozy living room, which adjoins the spa area.

To enhance your stay, we offer four contemporary rooms to choose from: "The Levantine," "Paradise White," "Rêvorange," or "Nocte." Each room is designed to evoke a specific time of day, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the moment and create lasting memories.


Appréciations pour Carpe Diem Tolosa, Vieille Toulouse:

carpediem tolosa
Review by: tixier, Mai 3 2011 9:43PM
agreable sejour au sein d un lieu enchanteur.chambre impeccable service de notre hote irreprochable,acceuil chaleureux et la cerise sur le gateau le spa de nage chauffé a 35 c (le pied surtout apres un massage).
très bon week end
Review by: bodaine, Fev 16 2011 2:25PM
nous avons passé un excellent week end à la villa carpe diem. Un accueil chaleureux et correspondant trait pour trait à la description. Un hôte prévenant, aux petits soins ...
Merci, nous reviendrons pour visiter Toulouse et ses alentours sous un temps plus clément.
carpe diem tolosa
Review by: le maner virginie, Dec 9 2010 6:06PM
Chambre spacieuse très agréable et pleine de charme. Environnement très calme et magnifique. Les propriétaires sont très acceuillants, la détente dans le SPA de nage est un délice. Le petit déjeuner gourmand est un régal.
chambre d'hôte
Review by: Claire, Nov 7 2010 11:23AM
Cadre très sympas avec une jolie vue sur toulouse la nuit (éclairé...c'est très beau). La batisse est moderne est très jolie, bien décorée avec un spa pour les amateurs.
Les chambres sont spacieuses, décorées avec goût et propres. On s'y sent bien.
En ce qui concerne le petit déjeuner, on y mange très bien et le propriétaire est à l'écoute de nos moindres besoins.

Vraiment, c'est un superbe endroit très romantique pour des amoureux et très sympas pour venir en famille.
Deplus, le rapport qualité prix: nickel!
Week end en chambre d'hôte
Review by: Cyril et Julie, Oct 24 2010 7:08PM
Week end en couple génial. Le gite se trouve dans un super coin de verdure à deux pas de TOULOUSE avec une très belle vue sur la ville rose.
Les chambres sont confortables, modernes et bien décorées.
Le spa à 32° pour un bon moment de détente.
Le petit déjeuner très copieux composé de produits maison et du terroir
Acceuil tres sympathique, Frederic n'hesitera pas à vous conseiller pour vous guider dans vos activitées.
Nous recommandons vraiment cet endroit, nous comptons nous meme y retourner.
Séjour de 3 jours
Review by: CARDON, Oct 14 2010 9:52AM
Superbes cadre, et villa. Hôte très accueillant. Chambre spacieuse et grand spa à 31° idéal pour se délasser. Nous recommandons vivement ce gîte.

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To get to the hotel "La Flanerie" from Toulouse, follow these directions:

1. Use your device's map to navigate. Take exit 24, named "Empalot," and head towards "Lacroix Falgarde."
2. Walk along the Garonne river for approximately 7km until you spot the hotel "La Flanerie" on your left.
3. Just after passing the junction, make a left turn and then take the first right after 20m onto the Canabières Trail.
4. Continue on the trail for about 700 meters and then turn right at the bus stop onto the Path of Gojousse.
5. Keep going until you reach number 9, where you'll find a yellow ocher villa at the end of the road.
6. If you need to contact the hotel, you can reach them at 06 75 60 72 65.

Please note that these directions are based on the given information.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 374 374 20 oui
(3 pers.)
1 104 144 20 oui
Notes: 2 pers
Notes: 4 to 6 pers


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Basilica of Saint-Sernin: Located in Toulouse, the Basilica of Saint-Sernin is a stunning Romanesque church and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is known for its impressive architecture and houses several important religious relics.
  • Cité de l'Espace: A space-themed amusement park and museum in Toulouse, Cité de l'Espace offers a range of interactive exhibits, planetarium shows, and full-scale models of spacecraft. It provides a unique opportunity to learn about space exploration and the universe.
  • Canal du Midi: Stretching over 240 kilometers, the Canal du Midi is a picturesque waterway connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely boat ride, cycle along the towpaths, or simply relax while admiring the scenic landscapes and historic structures.
  • Pont Neuf: As the oldest bridge in Toulouse, Pont Neuf is an architectural gem. Built in the 16th century, it spans the Garonne River and offers fantastic views of the city. Take a stroll across the bridge to appreciate its elegant design and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the surrounding area.
  • Musée des Augustins: This art museum is housed in a former Augustinian monastery in Toulouse. It showcases an extensive collection of sculptures and paintings from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century. Art enthusiasts will appreciate the museum's diverse range of artistic styles and periods.
  • Airbus Factory Tour: Located in Blagnac, near Toulouse, the Airbus Factory offers guided tours that take visitors behind the scenes of one of the world's largest aircraft manufacturers. Witness the assembly process of commercial aircraft, learn about aviation technology, and explore the interactive exhibits.
  • Jardin des Plantes: Situated in the heart of Toulouse, Jardin des Plantes is a beautiful botanical garden that spans over seven hectares. It features a wide variety of plant species, tranquil pathways, and charming ponds, making it a perfect spot for a peaceful stroll or a picnic.
  • Château de Laréole: A short drive from Vieille Toulouse, the Château de Laréole is a Renaissance-style castle surrounded by exquisite gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's elegant interior, admire the well-maintained grounds, and attend cultural events that often take place in this enchanting setting.
  • Museum of Natural History: Located in Toulouse, the Museum of Natural History offers an engaging exploration of the region's natural heritage. With extensive exhibits on paleontology, ethnology, zoology, and geology, it provides a captivating learning experience for visitors of all ages. 10. Capitole de Toulouse: The Capitole is both the town hall and the grand theater of Toulouse. This architectural masterpiece features impressive neoclassical façades adorned with sculptures and hosts various cultural events throughout the year. Explore the stunning interior and admire the artwork displayed within its walls.

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