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Muriel et cedric
15 Avenue Pierre Sirven


5 reviews

Price per night:

price from €386



06 20 41 29 04


Description for B&B:

The Belle Vigneronne, constructed in 1865, offers a cozy lounge area with a TV and DVD player for your reading and relaxation. The dining room, which serves breakfast during the winter season, combines modern and classic elements. Each of our 5 rooms features a comfortable 160cm bed, a bathroom, toilet, flat screen TV, and WiFi access. The entire house is equipped with air conditioning, allowing guests to adjust the temperature in their rooms according to their preferences. The courtyard, a tranquil oasis, is exclusively designated for breakfasts, relaxation, and friendly gatherings.


Appréciations pour La Belle Vigneronne, Montagnac:

Une Maison d'Hôte exeptionnelle
Review by: Terrin, Oct 31 2016 8:45PM
Ce Bed and Breakfast mérite toutes les meilleures éloges.
Une Maison remplie de charme, des hôtes attentifs à votre Bien être, et à la réussite de votre séjour.
Des prestations dignes d'un cinq étoiles ...
Paul et Véronique
Que du bonheur !
Review by: Celine & Gabriel, Oct 1 2014 9:23PM
Franchie la façade un peu austère de la maison bordant une rue assez passante, lémerveillement nen est que plus fort. Lintérieur de cette maison de maîtres est à limage de ses maîtres de maison : accueillante, calme et raffinée, sans jamais en faire trop. Il fait bon y vivre à tous les étages, de la chambre spacieuse et douillette (une mention spéciale pour la literie au confort exceptionnel) aux pièces communes stylées autant que chaleureuses, sans oublier la splendide cour intérieure où la coquette piscine se marie à la végétation luxuriante pour offrir un véritable havre de paix propice à la détente. Le tout pour un tarif plus que raisonnable. Une chambre et des hôtes que nous plaçons donc tout en haut de notre palmarès chambre-dhôtelier !
Accueil agreable, chaleureux et delicat
Review by: Georges et Charlette A., Dec 21 2013 5:34PM
Tres belles chambres, tres agreables, de belle facture. Petit dejeuner tres copieux, varie. Sejour reposant dans une region offrant enormement de possibilite de visites. Que des eloges!
Review by: Douglas, Juil 17 2012 1:32AM
Une acceuille chaleureuse, des propriétaires amicales mais discrètes, des chambres bien agencés, un petit déjeuner bien frais et delicieuse... Ouao!!!!
résumé de notre lune de miel
Review by: dounia et bruno , Mai 28 2012 11:14PM
Superbe endroit! Super accueil (les propriétaires sont à la fois chaleureux sans être encombrant c'est le top) et des chambres décorées avec gout, très bien entretenues.
Un endroit découvert par hasard où nous avons décidé de passer notre nuit de noce. Des amis ont pris la suite et la prestation était d'aussi bonne qualité alors que le prix est très raisonnable.
Petit déjeuner copieux sur la terrasse.
On avait des fausses idées sur les chambres d'hotes en général mais au final on se rend compte que les prestations proposées sont de meilleures qualité!

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If you are traveling from Montpellier, take Highway A9 and exit at Sete. From there, head towards Meze.
If you are coming from Barcelona, take Highway A9 and exit at Agde. Continue in the direction of Pezenas.
For those coming from Millau, take Highway A75 and exit at Montagnac.
If you prefer to travel by train, you can arrive at Agde station, Sete station, or Beziers station.
Alternatively, you can take a plane and arrive at either Montpellier - Beziers or Cap d'Agde airports.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 386 386 15 oui
(3 pers.)
1 80 90 20 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Abbaye de Valmagne: Located in Villeveyrac, this stunning medieval abbey is known for its beautiful architecture and serene atmosphere. Visitors can explore the abbey's gardens, vineyard, and tasting room, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Étang de Thau: This large lagoon located near Sète is a popular tourist spot known for its picturesque landscapes and delicious seafood. Visitors can enjoy activities like sailing, fishing, and bird-watching, or simply relax on one of the sandy beaches.
  • Pézenas: A charming medieval town, Pézenas is famous for its well-preserved historic center and its connection to the famous playwright Molière. Stroll through its narrow streets lined with artisan shops, visit the Molière Museum, and soak in the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Étang de Balaruc: Situated near the town of Balaruc-les-Bains, this saltwater lake is a popular destination for relaxation and wellness. The lake offers therapeutic mud baths and thermal spas, allowing visitors to rejuvenate and unwind.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: Located in the Hérault Valley, this medieval village is considered one of the most beautiful in France. Its narrow, cobbled streets, ancient buildings, and the stunning Abbey of Gellone make it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Cap d'Agde: A vibrant seaside resort town, Cap d'Agde offers a wide range of attractions for tourists. Enjoy its sandy beaches, visit the historic Fort Brescou, explore the Aquarium Museum, or indulge in water sports activities like sailing and diving.
  • Canal du Midi: This UNESCO World Heritage site is a 240-kilometer-long canal that stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can take boat tours or bike along its scenic banks, passing through picturesque villages and vineyards.
  • Béziers: Known for its rich history and impressive architecture, Béziers is worth a visit. Explore the city's Gothic cathedral, stroll along the Canal du Midi, and visit the Roman amphitheater. Béziers is also famous for its annual Feria, a colorful festival celebrating bullfighting.
  • Cirque de Mourèze: Located within the Parc Naturel Régional du Haut-Languedoc, this unique geological formation features large dolomite rocks sculpted into fascinating shapes by erosion. Hiking trails offer stunning views of the surrounding landscape. 10. Lac du Salagou: Situated near Clermont-l'Hérault, this artificial lake is known for its vibrant red soil and dramatic landscapes. It is a popular spot for water sports like sailing, windsurfing, and kayaking, as well as for picnicking and hiking around its shores.

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