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Isabelle Lenoir-Collin
29 Grande Rue


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €69






Description for B&B:

The rooms available are "CHLOROPHYLLE" which is located in front of the garden and is designed for families with a capacity of 4 people and a baby. There is also the "EN ROUGE ET BLANC" room suitable for 2 or 4 people, with a double bed and a sofa bed. Lastly, there is the "NEWW ROMANCE" room which can accommodate 3 people. Each room has its own bathroom and toilets. Guests can also enjoy the garden. The village is charming and offers various attractions such as vineyards and wine growers, the Saint Roch wood and its chapel, a castle, the old abbey of Andecy, as well as beautiful springs and washhouses.


Appréciations pour Ambiances Chambres D'Hôtes, Baye:

A very nice little Bed & Breakfast
Review by: James Peluso, Oct 14 2018 10:21AM
My wife and I stayed here in October 2018 as I was traveling on a business trip. The area is a little off the beaten trail, but if circumstances bring you to this area, this is a very clean and charming B&B. Isabella, the hostess, is very warm and friendly and makes every effort to accomodate her guests. She also makes a very nice breakfast.

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To travel from Reims to Baye, take road RD 51 towards Epernay. Then, head towards Sezanne and you will find Baye in the center of the village.

From Paris, take the A4 highway and exit at La Ferte/s Jouarre. Follow road RD 33 towards Chalons en Champagne and Montmirail. In Champaubert, turn right onto road RD 51 towards Sezanne, and you will find Baye in the center of the village.

Alternatively, you can take road RN 4 towards Nancy until you reach Sezanne. In Sezanne, take road RD 51 towards Epernay and you will find Baye in the center of the village.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 69 123 17 oui
(3 pers.)
1 69 86 17 oui




  • Reims Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Reims, Reims Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic masterpiece and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is famous for its stunning stained glass windows and the place where French kings were traditionally crowned.
  • Champagne Houses: Baye is situated in the heart of the Champagne region, known for its sparkling wine. Several renowned champagne houses offer tours and tastings, allowing visitors to explore the cellars and learn about the champagne-making process.
  • Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin: One of the most esteemed champagne houses, Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin offers guided tours of its historic cellars, providing insights into the production methods and the brand's rich history. Visitors can also enjoy champagne tastings.
  • Moët & Chandon: Another prominent champagne producer, Moët & Chandon offers guided tours of its cellars in Épernay. Visitors can learn about the champagne-making process, explore the underground galleries, and indulge in a tasting session.
  • The Avenue de Champagne: Located in Épernay, the Avenue de Champagne is a prestigious street lined with the mansions and headquarters of famous champagne houses. It offers a charming atmosphere and is perfect for a leisurely stroll.
  • Musée de la Reddition: Situated in Reims, the Musée de la Reddition is housed in the building where the German High Command surrendered to the Allies at the end of World War II. The museum exhibits documents, photographs, and artifacts related to this historic event.
  • Basilique Saint-Remi: This beautiful Romanesque basilica, also located in Reims, is dedicated to Saint Remi, the patron saint of the city. It boasts stunning stained glass windows and houses the tomb of Saint Remi himself.
  • Palais du Tau: Adjacent to Reims Cathedral, the Palais du Tau is a former palace of the Archbishop of Reims. It now serves as a museum, showcasing regalia and ceremonial objects used in the coronation ceremonies of French kings.
  • Fort de la Pompelle: Positioned on the outskirts of Reims, the Fort de la Pompelle is a historic military fortification. Visitors can explore the underground network of tunnels, observe the preserved trenches, and learn about the fort's role during World War I. 10. Montagne de Reims Regional Natural Park: Extending over the hills surrounding Reims, the Montagne de Reims Regional Natural Park offers stunning landscapes, vineyards, and hiking trails. It is an ideal destination for nature lovers and wine enthusiasts alike.

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