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Mr Mme Genin Patrick
n°220 Chemin d'Etxegoina


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price from €375




Description for Gite

We offer four well-appointed apartments located at the prestigious Epherra Golf in Souraide. Each apartment comfortably accommodates 2 to 5 guests and is available for booking throughout the year.


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To reach the village of Golf Management Souraide Epherra, follow these travel directions: Take the exit at Bayonne heading south towards Cambo-les-bains (D932). Proceed on this highway until you reach the village of Golf Management Souraide Epherra.



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extra bed
Apartment 4 NON




  • La Rhune: A mountain located in the Pyrenees, offering stunning panoramic views. Visitors can take a historic train ride to the summit or choose to hike to the top.
  • Biarritz: A coastal town known for its beautiful beaches, surf spots, and luxurious resorts. Biarritz also offers diverse cultural attractions, such as the Museum of the Sea and the Rocher de la Vierge.
  • Saint-Jean-de-Luz: A charming seaside town with a rich history. It features a picturesque harbor, beautiful architecture, and a lovely promenade. Don't miss the Church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste and Maison Louis XIV.
  • Bayonne: A vibrant city famous for its traditional festivals and delicious cuisine. Explore the narrow streets of the historic center, visit the stunning Bayonne Cathedral, and sample the renowned Bayonne ham and chocolate.
  • San Sebastián, Spain: Although across the border in Spain, San Sebastián is only a short drive away. This coastal city is known for its stunning beaches, lively atmosphere, and world-class cuisine, including the famous pintxos.
  • Grottes d'Isturitz et Oxocelhaya: These prehistoric caves offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. Explore the impressive stalactites and stalagmites while learning about the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon populations that once inhabited the area.
  • Espelette: A charming village famous for its vibrant red peppers. Explore the picturesque streets lined with traditional Basque houses and sample Espelette pepper products, such as charcuterie and chocolate.
  • Ainhoa: A quaint Basque village with well-preserved traditional architecture. Take a leisurely stroll through its charming streets, visit the Church of Notre-Dame, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
  • Hendaye: A coastal town with a beautiful sandy beach, perfect for sunbathing and swimming. Take a walk along the promenade, visit the Château d'Abbadia, or try your hand at various water sports. 10. Cambo-les-Bains: A spa town known for its thermal baths and picturesque surroundings. Visit the famous Villa Arnaga, once home to the renowned French playwright Edmond Rostand, and explore the lovely gardens.

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