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Maryvonne Molineux


2 reviews

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price from €50






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Appréciations pour La Vielle école, Lannédern:

Echappée belle.
Review by: isabelle de Brest, Mar 30 2019 2:33PM
Après avoir été chaleureusement accueillis mon mari et moi, nous avons fait connaissance avec Maryvonne et découvert une grande chambre très agréable. Nous avons passé une excellente nuit, au calme.
Je garde le souvenir d'un Week-end paisible, hors du temps ! Nous y retournerons certainement prochainement pour un concert folk.
bonne chambre
Review by: Patricia, Aou 21 2013 8:43PM
séjour très agréable. Maryvonne, hôtesse très agréable et intensionnée, nous a donné beaucoup d'explications sur sa région qu'elle affectionne et nous a guidé pour nos visites

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To reach Lannédern from Morlaix, go towards Carhaix and then take a turn towards Brennilis. Continue on and cross Loqueffret until you reach Lannédern.

From Quimper, head towards Brest and take the exit towards Pleyben. Continue on towards Huelgoat until you reach Lannédern.

If you are in Brest, take the direction towards Quimper and take the exit at Pleyben. Continue on towards Huelgoat until you reach Lannédern.



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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 300 oui




  • Quimper (13 km): The charming city of Quimper is known for its well-preserved medieval center and beautiful Gothic cathedral. Explore the picturesque streets lined with half-timbered houses, visit the Musée des Beaux-Arts, and enjoy traditional Breton cuisine in one of the many restaurants.
  • Locronan (28 km): This historic village is often referred to as one of the most beautiful in France. With its cobblestone streets, granite houses, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside, Locronan offers a unique atmosphere. Don't miss the Church of Saint-Ronan and the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire.
  • Pointe du Raz (42 km): Located on the westernmost point of Brittany, Pointe du Raz is a dramatic cliff offering breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. Explore the coastal paths, visit the lighthouse, and take in the wild beauty of this natural site.
  • Concarneau (45 km): This fortified town is home to one of the most famous fishing ports in Brittany. Walk along the ramparts of the Ville Close, a walled part of the town, and visit the Musée de la Pêche to learn about the region's maritime heritage.
  • Douarnenez (47 km): Known for its maritime history and traditional fishing industry, Douarnenez offers visitors a glimpse into the world of fishing boats and shipbuilding. Explore the Port Museum, stroll along the harbor, and enjoy the sandy beaches.
  • Quimperlé (54 km): Situated at the confluence of the Isole and Ellé rivers, Quimperlé is a quaint town with a rich architectural heritage. Visit the Sainte-Croix Abbey, wander through the narrow streets of the old town, and relax in one of the charming cafés.
  • Huelgoat (60 km): Nestled in the heart of the Armorique Natural Regional Park, Huelgoat is known for its enchanting forest, which features moss-covered boulders, hidden streams, and mysterious caves. Explore the famous Chaos de Huelgoat and take a peaceful walk around the nearby lake.
  • Brest (70 km): As the largest city in the Finistère department, Brest offers a mix of history, culture, and maritime activities. Visit the impressive Musée National de la Marine, stroll along the waterfront, and discover the city's vibrant nightlife.
  • Morlaix (77 km): With its half-timbered houses, medieval streets, and the majestic Viaduct of Morlaix, this town is a visual delight. Don't miss the 16th-century Church of Saint-Melaine and the Maison à Pondalez, a unique example of Breton architecture. 10. Roscoff (89 km): Known for its thalassotherapy centers and historic waterfront, Roscoff is a charming coastal town. Explore the picturesque old town, visit the exotic Jardin Exotique, and take a boat trip to the nearby Île de Batz to enjoy its beautiful beaches and gardens.