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Marie Paule Bregeon
6 Rue de Fissac


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

There are two separate cottages available in La Rochelle, conveniently located just 10 minutes away from both the beautiful beaches and the enchanting island of Re. The cottages offer comfortable bed and breakfast accommodations with private bathrooms and toilet facilities. The rate for a night's stay is 45 euros, which includes a delicious breakfast (48 euros in August). Guests can enjoy their breakfast in the charming veranda. The rooms have their own independent entrance, ensuring privacy, and are situated in a village close to various amenities such as supermarkets, restaurants, and fast food outlets within a kilometer. The property is situated just 3 km away from the historic old port of La Rochelle, 10 km from the picturesque island of Ré, and 5 km from the pristine beaches.


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Take the Paris road until you reach the entrance to La Rochelle exchanger Beaulieu (ring road). From there, turn around and head back towards Paris and Niort. Take the first exit on your right towards Beaulieu and Rompsay. Follow the signs for Rompsay. After passing through 3 roundabouts, turn left towards Chagnolet. Take the second left onto "rue de fissac" and the destination will be on your right side, number 3.



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extra bed
Notes: 48 in August


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • La Rochelle Aquarium: Located in the nearby city of La Rochelle, this renowned aquarium offers a fascinating underwater journey through various ecosystems. Visitors can observe a wide range of marine species, including sharks, turtles, and tropical fish.
  • Vieux Port (Old Port): Situated in the heart of La Rochelle, the Vieux Port is a picturesque harbor known for its vibrant atmosphere. It features a medieval tower, charming waterfront promenades, and numerous restaurants and cafes where visitors can enjoy fresh seafood.
  • Fort Boyard: Set in the middle of the sea, Fort Boyard is a historic fortress that has become an iconic landmark. Although it is not open for public visits, boat tours allow tourists to admire the impressive structure and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Île de Ré: Just off the coast from Perigny, Île de Ré is a stunning island known for its beautiful sandy beaches, picturesque villages, and charming bike paths. Visitors can explore the island's unique architecture, enjoy local seafood, and relax on the pristine shores.
  • La Rochelle Towers: The Towers of La Rochelle are a symbol of the city's rich maritime heritage. Tourists can climb the Tour Saint-Nicolas and the Tour de la Chaîne for panoramic views of the city and its surroundings. The Tour de la Lanterne also offers insights into the city's history as a former prison.
  • Châtelaillon-Plage: Located a short distance from Perigny, Châtelaillon-Plage is a delightful seaside resort known for its long sandy beach and Belle Époque architecture. Visitors can enjoy water sports, take leisurely walks along the promenade, or relax in the elegant beachfront cafes.
  • Marais Poitevin: Also known as the "Green Venice," Marais Poitevin is a unique wetland area that offers tranquil boat rides through its network of canals. Visitors can explore the marshes, observe wildlife, and appreciate the serene beauty of this natural attraction.
  • Rochefort: Situated inland from Perigny, Rochefort is a historic town known for its naval heritage. Highlights include the Corderie Royale, a former rope factory turned museum, and the Hermione, a replica of an 18th-century frigate that played a significant role in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Saintes: Located on the banks of the Charente River, Saintes boasts a rich Roman heritage. Visitors can explore the well-preserved Roman amphitheater, visit the Archaeological Museum, and stroll through the charming old town with its historic buildings and narrow streets. 10. Palmyre Zoo: Situated a short drive from Perigny, the Palmyre Zoo is one of the most popular zoos in France. It houses a wide variety of animal species from around the world and offers educational shows and activities for visitors of all ages.

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