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Droux Emmanuel
4 Rue Beethoven


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price from €90




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(2 pers.)
3 90 100 oui
(3 pers.)
1 120 145 oui


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  • Château de Fère: Located approximately 6 kilometers away from 4 Rue Beethoven, Château de Fère is a stunning medieval castle surrounded by a moat. It offers beautiful architectural features and picturesque gardens, providing visitors with a glimpse into the region's history.
  • Soissons Cathedral: Situated around 8 kilometers from the given address, Soissons Cathedral is an impressive Gothic-style cathedral. It showcases intricate stained glass windows, elaborate sculptures, and a towering facade. Visitors can explore its interior and admire its grandeur.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes: Found approximately 10 kilometers away, Abbaye de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes is a former monastery known for its remarkable Gothic architecture. Visitors can explore the ruins, admire the stunning vaulted ceilings, and learn about the abbey's history.
  • Musée de Soissons: Located around 8 kilometers from the address, Musée de Soissons is a local museum that displays art and historical artifacts. Visitors can discover a range of collections, including archaeological finds, fine art, and objects representing local heritage.
  • Château de Coucy: Situated approximately 25 kilometers away, Château de Coucy is a medieval fortress that once stood as one of Europe's largest castles. Although partially in ruins, it remains an awe-inspiring site with its massive towers and walls, providing a glimpse into the region's medieval past.
  • Laon: Around 43 kilometers from the given address, the town of Laon is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can explore the historic center, walk along the ramparts, and visit the stunning Laon Cathedral, which offers panoramic views from its tower.
  • Chemin des Dames: Located approximately 21 kilometers away, Chemin des Dames is a historic road known for its significance during World War I. Today, it serves as a memorial site with preserved trenches, monuments, and museums, allowing visitors to learn about the war's impact on the region.
  • Caverne du Dragon - Musée du Chemin des Dames: Found around 23 kilometers from the given address, the Caverne du Dragon museum is situated underground in former limestone quarries. It offers a unique insight into the experiences of soldiers during World War I, with displays of artifacts, audiovisual presentations, and reconstructed trenches. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences near 4 Rue Beethoven in Chassins, France.

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