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10 Rue Croix Rouge


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50




Description for B&B:

Located in Provence, at the entrance of Camargue and on a popular pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, Mia Casa is nestled in the heart of the historic center of Arles. Our unique space brings together works of art, antiques, vintage furniture, natural materials, and artifacts from around the world, offering you a luxurious and soulful experience with an artistic touch.

As well-traveled artists, we have been inspired by the elegance of palaces and the thrill of finding hidden treasures, and we have created a place that embodies these ideals. We want our guests to feel truly at home during their stay, and we are dedicated to ensuring your experience is a success. Whether you prefer privacy or interaction, our guest rooms and furnished apartments provide independent access for your convenience. Choose from a range of accommodations, including spacious rooms, suites, studios, and small apartments with cooking facilities. We also host activity holidays and offer discounted rates for weekly or monthly stays. Mia Casa is perfect for romantic getaways, family vacations, or gatherings with friends.

Additionally, we are committed to promoting the work of artists, and we regularly hold private exhibitions and offer an artist residency program. We believe in the power of art to enhance our surroundings and enrich our lives.

Arles, with its enchanting labyrinth of narrow streets and soft lighting, has always been a magnet for artists. The city's rich Roman and Romanesque heritage, including the influence of Vincent van Gogh who painted over 300 works here, can be explored on our website. As a UNESCO World Heritage site, Arles has preserved its historical center, free from visual pollution and anachronistic architecture. The city is surrounded by natural beauty, including the Camargue National Reserve and the Alpilles hills, home to rare and protected species. Arles is not only a place of artistic expression but also a city that celebrates Provençal culture through year-round festivities.

Conveniently located near the Rhone river in the charming and bohemian neighborhood of La Roquette, Mia Casa is easily accessible. As you step through our doors, you will be greeted by a fusion of art and history, with exhibitions by talented artists enhancing the unique ambiance. Welcome to Mia Casa, where art and comfort intertwine.


Appréciations pour Mia Casa, Arles:

Excellent accueil
Review by: cilouzan, Juil 19 2013 1:54PM
Une maison d'hôtes très agréable. Le quartier de la Roquette est vivant et pittoresque. Delphine, l'hôtesse de Mia casa, est charmante, pleine de bonne humeur et de gentillesse. J'y ai séjourné deux fois déjà avec beaucoup de plaisir (et, à n'en pas douter, j'y retournerai)

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Travel Directions:

By Road:
There is free parking available nearby on boulevard Georges Clemenceau, Avenue Sixte Quénin, or place Gabriel Peri. Please note that there is no parking on Saturday mornings.

From Paris:
Take freeway A7/A9/A54 and exit at Arles Centre.

From Italy:
Take freeway A7 and then A54, and exit at Arles Centre.

From Spain:
Take freeway A9 and then A54, and exit at Arles Centre.

By Train:
There are direct TGV (High-speed) trains available from Paris to Arles, with a travel time of 4 hours. Alternatively, you can take a TGV from Paris to Avignon and then connect to Arles, with a total travel time of 2 hours and 40 minutes plus an additional 40 minutes for the connection. During the summer, Eurostar also operates trains from the UK to Avignon, where you can connect to Arles in 40 minutes.

Arriving by Train:
Mia Casa is a 15-minute walk from Arles train station. The easiest route is to follow the banks of the Rhone river. Please note that there is a free shuttle called the Starlette, which departs every 20 minutes from the station and serves the historical center. You can get off at "Tour de l'Ecorchoir" and Mia Casa is just a two-minute walk on a street perpendicular to the Rhone.

By Plane:
Arles is located near several airports. Nimes airport is 25km away, Marseille-Provence airport is 65km away, Avignon airport is 35km away, and Montpellier airport is 72km away. From any of these airports, you can continue your journey to Arles by public transport, as there are buses and trains connecting each airport to the city.

From Nimes airport, there is a shuttle service that coordinates with flight schedules and takes you to Nimes train station. From there, you can take frequent trains to Arles, with a travel time of 30 minutes.

From Montpellier airport, a shuttle bus can take you to the tramway station "Place de l'Europe", which serves Montpellier's train station. From there, you can catch a train to Arles, with a travel time of 50 minutes.

At Marseille-Provence airport, there is a shuttle that will take you to the airport station, where you can catch a direct train to Arles. Buses and trains are also available to take you to Marseille train station, from where there are regular trains to Arles, with a travel time of 50 minutes.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 50 65 300 450 20 oui
(3 pers.)
1 85 105 450 600 20 oui
Apartment 1 85 120 510 700 20 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Amphitheatre of Arles: Located just a short distance from your address, the Amphitheatre of Arles is a remarkable Roman structure dating back to the 1st century AD. This well-preserved amphitheatre once held gladiator fights and other public spectacles and now serves as a popular tourist attraction.
  • Roman Theatre of Arles: Another impressive Roman relic, the Roman Theatre of Arles is a well-preserved theater that was built in the 1st century BC. Visitors can explore the seating area and imagine the performances that once took place here.
  • Alyscamps: Alyscamps is a Roman necropolis located outside the walls of Arles. This ancient cemetery is lined with impressive sarcophagi and is known for its serene atmosphere and beautiful views.
  • Van Gogh Foundation: Situated in the heart of Arles, the Van Gogh Foundation is a museum dedicated to the life and works of the famous Dutch painter, Vincent van Gogh. The museum houses a collection of his original paintings and provides insight into his time spent in Arles.
  • Arles Museum of Ancient Arles: This museum showcases the rich history of Arles through its impressive collection of ancient artifacts, including sculptures, mosaics, and pottery. Visitors can learn about the city's Roman past and gain a deeper understanding of its cultural heritage.
  • Church of St. Trophime: Built in the 12th century, the Church of St. Trophime is a stunning example of Romanesque architecture. The church's intricate facade and well-preserved cloister are particularly noteworthy.
  • Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles: Another museum dedicated to Vincent van Gogh, the Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles exhibits contemporary art inspired by the artist's legacy. The museum showcases a variety of exhibitions and installations that explore the influence of Van Gogh's work on modern artists.
  • Espace Van Gogh: Originally a hospital where Van Gogh was treated after cutting off his ear, Espace Van Gogh is now a cultural center and exhibition space. The building's unique architecture and tranquil gardens make it a peaceful and inspiring place to visit.
  • Arles Market: Located in the heart of the city, the Arles Market is a vibrant and bustling market where you can find a variety of fresh produce, local specialties, and artisanal products. It's a great place to immerse yourself in the local culture and try some delicious food. 10. The Cryptoporticus: The Cryptoporticus is an underground gallery that was once part of a Roman forum. This fascinating site features a series of arched passageways and beautifully preserved frescoes, providing a glimpse into the ancient Roman city of Arles. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, artistic, and cultural experiences, allowing visitors to fully explore the rich heritage of Arles.

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