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Irene Jobin
Rue de l' Amarrage


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+41 09512374


Description for B&B:

The apartment features a spacious living room with an open kitchen area, a comfortable sofa-bed, and a lovely patio that offers direct access to the water. Additionally, it includes a cozy double bedroom and a bathroom with a convenient shower. If needed, a garage can be rented separately. The apartment has been fully renovated for the 2002 season, ensuring a modern and pleasant stay.


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Apartment 2



  • Port-Grimaud - Located right on Rue de l'Amarrage, Port-Grimaud is a charming Provençal village built in the 1960s. Known as the "Venice of Provence," it features picturesque canals, colorful houses, and beautiful waterfront views.
  • Saint-Tropez - Just a short distance from Port-Grimaud, Saint-Tropez is a glamorous town famed for its luxurious yachts, sandy beaches, and vibrant nightlife. Explore the charming old town, visit the iconic Saint-Tropez harbor, or relax on one of the beautiful beaches.
  • Grimaud Castle - Situated on top of a hill overlooking Port-Grimaud, Grimaud Castle is a medieval fortress with a rich history. Take a guided tour to explore its ruins, admire the panoramic views of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, and learn about the castle's significance in the region.
  • Pampelonne Beach - Located just east of Saint-Tropez, Pampelonne Beach is one of the most famous beaches on the French Riviera. Stretching for about 5 kilometers, it offers soft sands, crystal-clear waters, and a variety of beach clubs and restaurants where you can relax and soak up the sun.
  • Gassin - A picturesque hilltop village near Port-Grimaud, Gassin is known for its narrow streets, charming houses, and breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and coast. Explore the village's medieval architecture, browse through local shops, and enjoy a meal at one of its many restaurants.
  • Domaine du Rayol - Situated about 25 kilometers from Port-Grimaud, the Domaine du Rayol is a stunning Mediterranean garden that showcases the region's diverse flora. Take a leisurely stroll through the garden's various landscapes, including Mediterranean forests, tropical gardens, and coastal areas.
  • Massif des Maures - Located inland from Port-Grimaud, the Massif des Maures is a mountain range covered in dense forests, rolling hills, and picturesque villages. Enjoy hiking or cycling trails, discover hidden waterfalls, and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of this protected area.
  • Sainte-Maxime - Situated on the opposite side of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, Sainte-Maxime is a charming seaside resort town. Its sandy beaches, vibrant promenade, and lively town center offer a variety of activities, including water sports, shopping, and dining.
  • Ramatuelle - Nestled between Saint-Tropez and Pampelonne Beach, Ramatuelle is a medieval village known for its narrow streets, ancient stone houses, and breathtaking views. Explore its historic center, visit the Church of Notre-Dame, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. 10. Chartreuse de la Verne - Located approximately 40 kilometers from Port-Grimaud, the Chartreuse de la Verne is a beautifully preserved Carthusian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Take a guided tour to admire its stunning architecture, peaceful gardens, and learn about the monks' way of life.